Drone: Shadow Strike 3 is an action game where you fly the latest military drone, doing everything you can to support your troops down below by unleashing ruthless attacks against your enemies. You'll have missiles, flares, machines guns, and much more at your disposal.

In Drone: Shadow Strike 3, you can fly more than a dozen different types of drones, each one with its own unique characteristics. Some are more resistant to damage, others more agile, and there are even some best suited for hardcore attacks. Between levels, you can invest money in improving each of these attributes one by one.

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Gameplay in Drone: Shadow Strike 3 is very simple: your drone flies around automatically, so all you have to do is scan the ground below to search for enemies. With your right thumb, you can move the camera and change your weapon, while with your left thumb, you can tap the attack button.

Gameplay in Drone: Shadow Strike is very simple: your drone moves automatically through the sky, and your aim is to scan the earth's surface in search of enemies. You can use different weapons to attack them, or even flares to try to avoid their attacks on you.

Drones are amazing flying objects that people use to take photos or videos of vast sceneries. Travelers usually bring drones to various trips and use this as a tool in capturing action and adventure. But what if you can use a drone to slay the enemy firebase? You can do so if you get a chance to play Drone Shadow Strike on your very own PC.

Planning every airstrike is also important so that nothing will be missed. The game is very exciting and playing against top players worldwide only makes it more addicting. If you want to join in the action, check out Drone Shadow Strike today and download the game on your PC!

Graphically, its a great looking game. Most of the action is seen through a FLIR (Forward looking Infrared) camera. This gives the game a very military authentic look. Menus are a bit more colorful an lively but overall, they did a great job here with the UI and making things look like you are actually in control of a sophisticated military drone.

Soar the skies and unleash hellfire on your enemies! As a seasoned drone pilot, you are the silent assassin, tasked with taking down key targets and securing the safety of your troops on the ground. With advanced military technology and a full arsenal of weapons at your disposal, you are the last line of defense against the enemy.

If you like to take your time and rack up huge XP and cash, pick a survival, like Bottlecap. With Mantis drone, HEL laser, Paveway, and Maverick that I saved up for (Longbow can be a huge help too- nearly 1-shots everything), I went for 27 minutes and racked up about $2M

Drone: Shadow Strike 3 MOD APK (Unlimited Money) on MODAPKOK is a first-person shooter (FPS) game developed by the famous game maker Tilting Point. Players will be drone pilots in the game and participate in combat missions with enemy targets.

Upgrading the drone will make it easier for players to complete missions and confront more vital enemy targets. At the same time, upgrading the drone also helps players adapt and deal with different situations in the game.

Drone: Shadow Strike 3 Mod also has an online fighting mode, allowing players to challenge other players worldwide. In this mode, players will compete against opponents of equal skill levels and test their combat abilities and drone piloting skills.

While playing the online fighting mode, players can collect experience points and bonuses to shop and upgrade their drones. Online fighting matches also feature a ranking system, allowing players to challenge and compete with other players worldwide.

Players have a variety of weapons and equipment to choose from for their drones. Players can choose their weapons to suit their tactics and goals, from anti-tank missiles and drones to anti-ship missiles and machine guns.

Drone: Shadow Strike 3 MOD APK (Unlimited Money) possesses high-quality, beautiful, realistic effects and details, helping players get the most realistic experience of piloting drones and participating in combat operations.

The landscapes and environments in the game are designed with detail and high resolution, helping players feel an open and diverse world. The combat situations and skills of the drone are outlined clearly and vividly, making it easy for players to understand and enjoy when participating in the game.

The third skill is the drone control skill, which involves piloting the drone in space and performing skills such as fast flight, dodge, and attack. Players must control the drone proficiently to destroy enemies and achieve goals.

Mastering skills in Drone: Shadow Strike 3 APK is essential to winning the game. Players must be able to manage resources, be flexible in tactics, master the drone, and read the situation accurately to win in any situation.

Drone: Shadow Strike 3 is a great shooting game with high quality, vivid sound, and many novel features. Upgrading drones, using various weapons and equipment, online fighting modes, and a diverse mission system will help players have a great experience. At the same time, mastering the skills in the game is also essential to defeat the enemies and achieve the goals. If you are a fan of shooting games and are passionate about drones, then Drone: Shadow Strike 3 APK mod (Unlimited Money) is a game not to be missed.

Drone: Shadow Strike is a new game where you get to make tactical strikes against bad people (I assume they are bad). It is available for free on Google Play and features in-app purchases, that in a really awesome feature can be turned off in the options menu.


Hi Pilot. It's time to take off and disappear into the horizon. Accomplish missions with plenty of fantastic fun, bringing in the opportunity to claim awesome drones and weapons.

Get ready for amazing events as your thumbs twiddle for crazy action. Bug Fixes and Optimizations were done in the game for a smoother, effortless, and flawless air strike gameplay experience. So, take control of your drones, upgrade your arsenal, and dive into the fun...

KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- A Taliban shadow governor for the northern Afghan province of Kunduz along with two of his men were killed in a drone attack on Sunday, provincial governor Assadullah Omarkhil said.

Textron Systems [TXT] announced Thursday the company has received a five-year deal from the Army worth up to $607 million to upgrade its Shadow drones to the modernized Block III configuration.

The Army is currently working through the Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (FTUAS) program to find a Shadow drone replacement, with plans to finalize requirements in the coming weeks following a year-long evaluation of four potential offerings (Defense Daily, March 2).

A U.S. drone strike in Somalia reportedly killed several members of al-Shabab. In a statement, U.S. Africa Command said that the strike targeted militants 60 miles northwest of Mogadishu. (Associated Press)

A study by a team at the University of Tennessee found that the use of drones equipped with multispectral sensors and digital cameras could significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of plant stand assessment in cotton farming. (Science Daily)

Nicosia [Cyprus] March 21: A shadow conflict, a sort of "war between wars" has been going on for years between Israel and Iran, as well as between Israel and Iran's proxies in Lebanon and Syria. This shadow conflict has escalated since the beginning of the year.

 The main weapons used in this shadow conflict are drones and cyberwarfare and both sides try to keep a lid on this war because, as a rule, they maintain secrecy about their clandestine operations, wishing to invoke plausible deniability.

 Both sides engaging in this secret war try through their military censors to prevent the publication of news or the journalistic investigation of the drone attacks or the cyber warfare waged and prohibit open discussion of these operations.

 Advt However, on some occasions, one side admits that a strike was made in retaliation for a hostile action of the other side.

 One such occasion occurred on 13 March, when Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) issued a statement taking responsibility for firing ballistic missiles against Israeli strategic centers in the Iraqi city of Erbil.

 Initial press reports spoke about an attack on the US consulate in Erbil but, as the consulate was new and unoccupied, it was later reported that the missiles hit neighboring residential areas. There was no casualty, and no damage was done to the US consulate.

 The Revolutionary Guards later clarified that it carried out the attacks on Israeli strategic targets in Iraqi Kurdistan and added that Israeli attacks would be met with a harsher and more destructive response.

 Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese television station close to Hezbollah and Iran, has reported that the target of the attack was the headquarters of Mossad, the Israeli national security agency, in Erbil and that four Israeli officers were killed and seven wounded.

 The tv station added that the strike was carried out in retaliation for the air attack last February when Israeli drones launched from Iraqi Kurdistan hit a base in Kermanshah in western Iran and caused substantial damage.

 Advt Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that a strike with drones in mid-February launched from Iraqi Kurdistan caused heavy damage to Tehran's drone network, destroying, according to some estimations, hundreds of drones.

 The New York Times quoted an unnamed senior official who said that six suicide drones had crashed into the side destroying dozens of Iran's drones.

 According to its established practice, the Israeli government has not admitted responsibility for the attack.

 It should be noted that the secret war between Israel and Iran is mainly waged in cyberspace, with tit-for-tat cyber-attacks, which are often carried out by proxy groups that are very hard to identify and usually it is extremely difficult to prove who is responsible.

 In most cases, cyber warfare basically aims at the infrastructure of the "enemy" causing serious problems to water supply, ports, hospitals, databases and government websites. 

 On March 14 one of the largest cyberattacks ever was launched against Israeli government websites. It was in the form of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and denied service for some hours to several websites, including those of the office of the Israeli Prime Minister and the Ministries of Health, Interior, Justice and Welfare.

 In DDoS, attackers overwhelm their victims' servers with a flood of data requests to paralyze them.

 The government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett declared a state of emergency to investigate the extent of damage caused and check whether critical infrastructure services were affected.

 Israeli government officials made no announcement as to who was behind the attack, but various media reports were quick to point the finger at Iran.

 This DDoS attack could be Iran's retaliation for Israel's cyber-attack last October when Iran's 4,400 petrol stations were blocked from accepting state-subsidy smartcards, which for 12 days caused a serious disruption in the country.

 The world became aware of the dangers posed by cyber warfare back in 2010 when a malicious computer worm called Stuxnet caused substantial damage to Iran's nuclear program.

 It caused the fast-spinning of more than one-fifth of Iran's centrifuges (machines used for separating nuclear material) to tear apart the machines.

 The Stuxnet is widely considered to be a "game-changer" in the industry because it was the first targeted, weaponized cyber-attack against an industrial control system.

 As a rule, some of the cyber-attacks exchanged between hostile countries pass without the general public taking any notice - because the governments of the countries attacked wish to avoid embarrassment. In other cases, the attacks become known after many months.

 In practice, Israel and Iran have stepped up their involvement in cyber warfare in the past five years.

 Iran's nuclear facilities are believed to be one of Israel's main targets in this secret cyber warfare. A big explosion in Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz in April 2012 is attributed to a cyber-attack.

 As Israeli military installations are very well protected, Iranians in recent years have focused their attention on civilian targets, which are much more vulnerable to hackers.

 One such cyber-attack was made on 24 April last year when Israel's Water Authority Systems were hacked to increase chlorine levels. In one station water pumps malfunctioned but the supply was not contaminated.

 According to a report in Haaretz, "Iranian hackers working on behalf of the cybertechnology command of the Revolutionary Guards attacked computer systems at an Israeli hospital (Hillel Yaffeh Medical Center), the Shirbit insurance firm and the LGBT dating site Atraf, and there were other unreported attempts that failed to cause damage." 

 The fact that drone and cyber attacks are becoming increasingly frequent shows that the secret conflict between Israel and Iran is escalating and there is a real risk that a misstep could spark a real war. 


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