Dice similarity coefficient, returned as a numeric scalar or numeric vector with values in the range [0, 1]. A similarity of 1 means that the segmentations in the two images are a perfect match. If the input arrays are:

the dice coefficient is equal to 2 times the number of elements of the intersection on the number of elements of the image + the image 2, in your case the function sum does not give you the number of elements but the sum, just as the logical intersection of numpy doesn't give you equal pixels (see the documentation above) I suggest you modify your code like this :

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I'm trying to implement dice coefficient, so I could compare segmented image to ground truth image. However, the output of the dice coefficient seems to be incorrect as segmented image is around 80% similar to the ground truth image. The output of dice coefficient is 0.13. Should be around 0.8.

I thought the results are odd because of non-binary array (range 0-255). So I divided images by 255, which gave me some floats. This didn't help. So I used python astype(np.bool) but that didn't help as well. To be clear, I performed semantic segmentation on image where is one cell, nothing more and I want to compare with its ground truth using dice coefficient. I have used plenty of methods I've found online but none is give me correct number. Like this one before.

Now that I have it training finally, I am getting a negative IoU score and a really large dice loss even though they are supposed to both be between 0 and 1. My input images are three channels but they look like grayscale images. I think maybe applying the same preprocessing from the resnet50 on imagenet (which are color images) may not be appropriate for gray images. When I look at an example of a training image after preprocessing, it has lost so much information.

DICe (pronounced /dis/ as in "roll the dice") is an open source digital image correlation (DIC) tool intended for use as a module in an external application or as a standalone analysis code. Its primary capabilities are computing full-field displacements and strains from sequences of digital images and rigid body motion tracking of objects. The images analyzed are typically of a material sample undergoing a characterization experiment, but DICe is also useful for other applications (for example, trajectory tracking). DICe is machine portable (Windows, Linux, and Mac) and can be effectively deployed on a high performance computing platform (DICe uses MPI parallelism as well as threaded on-core parallelism). Capabilities from DICe can be invoked through a customized library interface, via source code integration of DICe classes or through a standalone executable.

4. Add the Publish to the Web Link in the appropriate location on a Table in the D20 Tab. Your tab might be for a D6 or D10 but the principle is the same. Create a 3 column table. Column A is the possible dice roll outcome. Column B is the published web link. Column C is the function =image(B_) where the cell is the publish web link you would like displayed.

Do you use an adapted dice score that computes a dice score per class? I think the problem could be the use of 10 classes. Maybe you should try to take the model after 12 epochs and generated predictions. Then, compute the dice score on its own for each class, which can then be averaged. Either you spot an error in the function by doing so, or you find a flaw in your usage of dice score. Hope that helps.

Ia m training a Unet learner and using dice (built-in metric) co-efficient and dice_mean (as shown below). However I am getting the metric score more than 1. I am not sure the reason behind this. Is this as expected or am I doing something wrong.

I was also facing the same issue, after digging for a while came to know that the built-in dice metric was not correct for segmentation with more than 2 classes. I think it was built for binary classification of pixels and that to classes being 0 and 1. So I made a new dice metric by changing the existing one.

An Android Dice Roller tutorial with source code for a basic dice roller app. OK it might not be a fancy 3D dice roller but it'll get you going. You can always upgrade your dice roller code later. Simply add the example source code to any app that requires a dice roll. Dice face images and a 3D dice icon image are provided, all the images and code are free to use and royalty free. The code here is for a six sided dice but can be adapted for larger dice or more than one dice. There are no restrictions placed upon the code or the dice face images (all the images are free as they are in the public domain).

(This Android dice roller tutorial assumes that Android Studio is installed, a basic App can be created and run, and the code in this article can be correctly copied into Android Studio. The example code can be changed to meet your own requirements. When entering code in Studio add import statements when prompted by pressing Alt-Enter.)

The code given in this article is for a common six sided dice. A dice is a cube, and each side of the cube (each face) has one of the numbers from one to six. Here six PNG images are used to show the dice roll result. Plus there is a 3D image shown for the dice roll. The same 3D image is used for the app icon. The dice images are from Open Clip Art Library user rg1024.

For this tutorial start a new Android Studio project. Here the Application name is Dice and an Empty Activity is used with other settings left at default values. Add the dice resources (from above) to the project by copying them to the res folder. Studio will update the Project explorer automatically (or use the Synchronize option).

The screen for the dice roller is very simple. Just an ImageView which when pressed the roll is performed. If using the basic starting empty screen then open the activity_main.xml layout file. Delete the Hello World! default TextView (if present). From the widget Pallete, under Images, drag and drop an ImageView onto the layout and select dice3droll on the Resources chooser dialog. (Add the constraints if using a ConstraintLayout.)

A Java Random class (to generate the dice numbers) is declared along with an Android SoundPool (to play the dice roll sound). To load the right picture for each roll a switch statement is used. Some feedback is provided to the user so that they can see that a new roll has occurred. An identical number can be rolled in succession. To provide the feedback a 3D dice image will be displayed. However, because the roll happens so fast (unlike a real dice) the 3D image would not be seen. Therefore a Timer is used to provide a delay. This allows the UI to update. The Timer sends a Handler message signal to a Callback to perform the roll (the same method as described in the post Why Your TextView or Button Text Is Not Updating). Finally the roll value is used to update the UI.

I suppose, then, that these are the sorts of questions I have for us just now as we navigate the flood of machine-generated media: How will AI-generated images train our vision? What habit of attention does it encourage? What modes of engagement do they sustain?

In this installment, I offer some thoughts on AI generated images \u2026 finally. I think it was about a month ago that I first mentioned I was working on this post. It took awhile to come together. As per usual, no hot takes contained within. This will be me thinking about what we\u2019re looking at when we\u2019re looking at AI-generated images and how this looking trains our imagination. Or something like that.

This past summer, the image above, titled \u201CTh\u00E9\u00E2tre D\u2019op\u00E9ra Spatial,\u201D took first prize at the Colorado State Fair. It was created by Jason Allen with Midjourney, an impressive AI tool used to generate images from text prompts. The image won in the division for \u201Cdigital art/digitally manipulated photography.\u201D It also prompted a round of online debate about the nature of art and its future. Since then you\u2019ve almost certainly seen a myriad of similar AI generated images come across your feed as more and more people gain access to Midjourney and other similar tools such as DALL-E or Stable Diffusion.1 About about month or two ago, on my little corner of the internet, the proliferation of these images seemed to plateau as their novelty wore off. But this does not mean that such tools are merely a passing fad, only that they may already be settling into more mundane roles and functions: as generators of images for marketing campaigns, for example.

Others might argue in reply to Allen\u2019s rash declaration that this new form is art, or maybe that there is an art to the construction and refinement of prompts that yield the desired images. Alternatively, they may argue that this present form of the technology is only one possible application of the underlying capacities, which might be harnessed more cooperatively by human artists. For example, Ethan Zuckerman wrote, \u201CJason Allen is trolling us by declaring art is dead. Instead, a new way of making art, at the intersection of AI and human skill, is being born.\u201D Some others might even insist, less convincingly in my view, that, in fact, humans win because there is more stuff to go around. If some images are good, then more images are better. If only certain people could develop the skills to draw, paint, or design with digital tools, better to empower everyone with the machine-aided capacity to produce similar work. I\u2019m not sure about any of that. Maybe the proliferation of images will prove alienating. Maybe the alien or hybrid quality of this work will fail to yield the same subjective experience for those who encounter it. Maybe doodling anonymously in notebooks no one will ever see turns out to be more satisfying for some people.

I find that my own questions, as they have gradually come to me, are a bit different. I\u2019ve been thinking about matters of depth and also about how these images might train our imagination. Along these lines, I appreciated the reflections of another digital artist, Annie Dorsen.2 2351a5e196

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