Frequently asked questions

Below, you find a number of questions that you might have with the corresponding answers. Please contact the organizers if you have a question that is not enlisted here.

Can you print my handout?

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to print out handouts. However, there is a copy shop very close by where handouts can be printed for a good price. You can find the copy shop (Sprint out) on our map of convenient places or directly here.

How many copies of my handout should I bring?

We recommend to print between 50 and 60 handouts. Left over handouts will be available during the entire conference, so it's good to have some extra copies for people who missed your talk.

What size should posters come in?

Please bring a poster of the size A0 in portrait/vertical direction.

Can I print out my poster somewhere near the venue?

Yes, You can print out your poster at the copy shop (Sprint out - see map of convenient places or directly here.)

Since the time they will need to print out the poster depends on the number of other customers, it's advisable to send them the poster file beforehand via email. The cheapest colour A0 poster would be called "Klassik Matt A0" and costs between 33 to 49 Euro (the earlier you send it the cheaper it gets). Send the Email to: 850@sprintout.de

Please indicate in the Email when you want to come and collect it from the shop (opening hours Mo-Fri: 9am-9pm, Sat: 10am-4pm).

I don’t have eduroam. Will I have access to WIFI anyway?

Yes, we organised eduroam accounts for guests for the time of the conference. Please, contact someone at the reception & help desk at the day of the conference. You will be asked to put down your name and signature.