Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe

On February 21st to 23rd 2019, the next and 27th edition of ConSOLE, a conference for young researchers, will be hosted by the Leibniz-Preis Research Unit for (Experimental) Syntax and Heritage Languages (RUESHeL) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

ConSOLE is an annual conference for (post)graduate and advanced undergraduate students in Linguistics from around the world. SOLE, founded in 1992 by students of the Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, is currently based at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Together with a local organizing committee, it runs an annual conference for young linguists, providing a forum for the upcoming generation to present research to an international audience. More information about SOLE, previous ConSOLEs, as well as online ConSOLE proceedings can be found at the SOLE webpage.

We are delighted to hear contributions of the following invited speakers:

ConSOLE 2019 is supported by The Research Unit on Experimental Syntax and Heritage Languages, funded by the DFG Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Preis 2014 awarded to Artemis Alexiadou