Well Being
Some investigative, truth seeking, questioning information (ie true journalism) sources
UK Column News, 'The UK Column is an independent news organisation founded in 2006 ... the UK Column remains completely independent of any advertisers, foundations and political parties. All of our funding comes from our viewers, listeners and readers'
Corbett Report with James Corbett , 'The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.'
Planet Lockdown Documentary Film Project, many interviews with scientists, docyors, researchers, and other professionals discussing all aspects of current situation.
21st Century Wire 'one of the main intentions of 21st Century Wire is to empower readers by giving them the tools to decode mainstream propaganda.'
Solari Report by Catherine Austin Fitts, investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the first Bush administration. solari's mission is ' to provide actionable intelligence to help you live a free and inspired life.'
Dr Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician and former board certified family medicine practitioner, he 'has paved the way for revolutionary changes in the field of natural health' over the last 30 years.
James Delingpole, UK journalist
Updates on various aspects of current global circumstances:
Freedom Travel Alliance, co founded by Dr Delores Cahill seeking to create ways for those who prioritise freedom of choice and bodily integrity to travel without violation of those freedoms.
Cvd pan**mic, 30 key facts with references from off-guardian.org
Collection of documentary evidence countering prevailing cvd narrative on c*v*dtruths.co.uk which has lots of useful links and other information.
Don't Fear the Virus: Your Body's Immunity Blueprint & Humanity's Awakening with Dr. Zach Bush. nearly 3 hours and, comprehensive discussion on viruses, immunity and the microbiome
Dr Mike Yeadon (prior VP of Pfizer) interview very clear on virus transmission and variants
interview with Dr Vladimir Zalenko (the American doctor who pioneered the use of hdrxyclqn as early treatment for cvd in NY at start of situation) explaining the whole cvd situation clearly from his finding and using effective treatments from the beginning, questioning and researching deeply into what might really be going on, exploring vaxx risk benefit in detail, to what he has found to be the motivation behind things
Dark Horse podcast clips with Dr Brett Weinstein on Odysee.com
Plan**mic documentary film series by Mikki Willis, full of detailed references and free to download and share
References and Links for Well-being in truly challenging times blog article (published March 2021)
1 heartmath institute The video on this page explains heart brain coherence and the connection with stress really clearly. You can create coherence yourself naturally and there are quick links further down on this same page to info on how to do so without the need for apps or equipment.
me leading a heartmath inspired meditation on YouTube
2 On this page of Dr Cahill’s website it clearly states how she is the ‘most cesnsored Irish ciitizen’
Likewise Dr Mercola has also experienced a campaign to stop him sharing info on natural immunity and other info FDA warns Dr Mercola to stop writing about vitamin D
Video Interview between Dr Joseph Mercola and Del Bigtree discussing a variety of things including censorship and hope for future change- this has a positive slant towards the end.
The mirror project podcast on the suppression of science
The Canadian doctors video in reference 3 also covers the doctors’ experience of being censored and attacked for expressing their concerns
3 Three Canadian doctors movingly discuss their decisions and reasons for speaking out to question and invite intelligent debate regarding current responses to pandemic circumstances. Issues of social justice as well as their fundamental commitment as doctors to first ‘do no harm’ are raised. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MynuWhCslys&t=6s
4 two min interview extract with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, doctor, virologist and co author of the best-selling book, Corona: False Alarm? , explaining why he thinks that Covid-19 'case numbers' are completely meaningless. https://www.facebook.com/WDDTY/videos/prof-sucharit-bhakdi-covid-tests-have-to-be-stopped-now/221280862776333/
5 this is the published testimony of Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. This is not opinion but scientifically backed up information that is forming a real legal case for crimes against humanity. I recommend watching the video in full because it contains detailed information about what he and his team have uncovered so far in their investigations of the pandemic situation, including invalidity of PCR tests, inflation of deaths from covid, the negative impact of lockdowns, suppression of alternative information.
6 quote from Vogue article online January 12, 2021
7 Jeremy Hammond article about asymptomatic transmission
8 one minute interview extract with geneticist Bruce Lipton. There is a link to watch the full interview for free but requires signing up with email address that then gives access to 4 free webcast interviews, after which if you want to continue accessing material you need an annual subscription.
9 Mirror project 30 min documentary film about vaxx trials; about 11 mins in although this video is worth watching all the way through if you are considering having a vaccine https://www.bitchute.com/video/48ospjDatgws/
10 From downloadable information sheets on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines on Alliance for Natural Health website, scroll down for document links https://www.anhinternational.org/news/informed-consent-is-this-fundamental-right-being-respected/
From the US national library of medicine about clinical trials
11 Alliance for Natural Health website, scroll down to 8 min video discussing informed consent and how current vaccine is being administered
12 nhs website, info on consenting to treatment
13 A mirror project podcast about vaxx trials, about 10 minutes in talks about deaths and adverse events to vaccines, 23 minutes in explains immunity from liability for vaccines
14 video of Dr Bhakdi interviewed by Del Bigtree, around 4 minutes he is quoting a Stanford University Doctor and a WHO bulletin in October 2020 https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-biggest-experiment-ever-done/
article by John Ioannidis of Stanford U going into detail of how death rates have been calculated
article from WHO website by John Ioannidis
Additional related information & links that may be of interest if you want to find out more
Updated Info, November 2021
some alternative video sites like youtube but uncensored:
further Information for original blog post March 2021:
Chris Crutchfield explaining electromagnetic radiation technology in simple terms, which helped me understand eletomagnetic frequency ranges and he mentions the interference that can happen with some human body processes at higher frequencies
Link to a document compiled by a large group of international scientists expressing concerns about the roll out of 5G technology in Europe
The following definition of informed consent is from nhs website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/consent-to-treatment/
For consent to be valid, it must be voluntary and informed, and the person consenting must have the capacity to make the decision.
The meaning of these terms are:
voluntary – the decision to either consent or not to consent to treatment must be made by the person, and must not be influenced by pressure from medical staff, friends or family
informed – the person must be given all of the information about what the treatment involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative treatments, and what will happen if treatment does not go ahead
capacity – the person must be capable of giving consent, which means they understand the information given to them and can use it to make an informed decision
Information on inalienable rights, the rights we are ALL born with and which international law protects even though we do not need laws to justify these rights. We are born with them.
Scroll down page of this site for video of Dr Cahill interviewed by James Corbett, at 2 mins 18 sec in we hear about her long list of credentials and she goes on to speak about how she has witnessed fear mongering and manipulation of science in the health and academic sectors and also freedom of speech rights being eroded over last 25 years and just after that she mentions the inalienable rights of all humans ; at 15 mins in she details a project to legally challenge the frauludent use of pcr tests
Delores Cahill with more on inalienable rights https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hkk4Qr4dsfpg/
Information on different physician oaths and codes of ethics agreed to upon completion of medical training:
The Mirror Project, a project designed to educate the public about what is going on, by a group of investigative journalists who chose to leave mainstream media because of what they saw happening regarding the biased reporting of the pandemic. There are videos, podcasts and downloads available all with important and empowering information
Irish program ‘The Healthy Debate’ on the pandemic. Found on Professor Cahill’s website, scroll down to the video ‘Prof Cahill and Ivor Cummins analysing the pandemic’. At about 8 minutes in Ivor shares how WHO (world Health Organisation) recently changed guidelines about test and trace in pandemic circumstances. At 15min30sec discussion of existing effective treatment and preventions for covid 19 and therefore no need for emergency measures
Article referencing Ivor Cummins work on effectiveness of lockdowns
Ivor Cummins on lockdowns, and many other things in detail about the pandemic
About Asymptomatic spreaders of covid-19 This link may not work because access requires a magazine subscription. I’m happy to send a pdf copy by email if requested for personal use only.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance on vaccines; an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have found that the Government’s response to COVID-19 is misguided and not based upon the best available scientific evidence. They are campaigning for Medical Freedom, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy to be preserved and protected.
Books & Publictions, (title. author)
Covid 19 vaccines and beyond: what the medical industrial complex is not telling us by Sally Saxon JD, Deborah Viglione MD, James Thorpe MD
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth Paperback – July 16, 2022 by Zoey O'Toole & Mary Holland (Editors),
Optimum nutrition for the mind. Patrick Holford
Where did the towers go: evidence of directed free-energy Technology on 9/11 by Judy wood
Oneness vs the 1%. vedana shiva
Courage to face Covid. Peter McCullough
A state of fear. Laura Dodsworth
The deep state encyclopaedia. Grace Reallygraceful
Unplugging the patriarchy. Lucia Renee
The dumbing down of America. Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt
Gift of fear (25 yrs old) Gavin de Becker
The great reset. Alex jones
Propaganda. Edward L Bernays (1928)
The psychology of mass formation. Mattias Desmet
The bodies of others. Naomi Wolf
Cause unknown, epidemic of sudden death in 2021-22. Ed Dowd
You will own nothing. Carol Roth
Lies my government told me and the better future coming. Robert Malone
Deception: great covid coverup. Rand Paul
One nation under blackmail vols 1 & 2. Whitney Webb
EMF’d . Joseph Mercola
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Invisible Soldiers Silent War: Orgone energy and the planetary emergency by Sharon Daphna
Fifth generation energetic frequency research:
Eileen O’Connor interview https://profdolorescahill.com/
One discussion expounding the virtues for military use of 5G tech