Dive into the sea inside and dance your inner fire
The freestyle dance meditation space
is ever evolving so no classes on just now...
I relish opportunities for dancing the way that I most enjoy it: in community with others and also free to be myself, to go within, to be Present in my body with rhythm, to enjoy being in physical form, to be free from social conventions and/or being told to interact in prescribed ways when I feel like JUST dancing. I also want to inspire others to enjoy and feel at ease in their bodies through movement and music.
Over the last 10 years, I have regularly run Ecstatic Trance Dance (see for info) and Moving into BEing classes, both of which are a form of movement meditation. By 'meditation', all I mean is bringing one's attention to the present, ie the opposite of being lost in thoughts, worries, plans etc. which most people are most of the time. EVERYONE can meditate because everyone can bring their attention to the present! Why meditate? Simply, because regular practice brings ease, peace and enjoyment to everyday life.
I am open to someone to take joint responsibility with me for running regular freestyle dance classes. By joint responsibility I mean: organising and paying for venue, planning classes, running classes, marketing classes, taking equipment to and from the venue, setting up, and all else that goes with organizing and running a regular dance class. Please note that I am NOT looking for an 'employee'. If you resonate with, and feel passionate about, what I have said here and you have experience of running similar classes, please get in touch to discuss possibilities!
Thank you for reading :)
Enjoy being YOU, Experiment, Play, BE! All in an uplifting atmosphere, FREE of judgement and expectation.
Please email if you are interested:
For information on the Ecstatic Trance Dance method please visit:
all content including images © Marybeth Haas 2010-2022 all rights reserved