

Please note that, apart from the Conscious Arts Blog, I am not responsible for the content of the websites listed below. The links are here to offer access to further information that may be of interest.

Conscious Arts Blog where I share ideas about cultivating well being and connecting more deeply with yourself, others and earth.

The Eggtooth project

The Wellington Health and Well-Being Centre

Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education is where I did my psychotherapy training

Amoda Maa - Information about Amoda's non duality teachings, workshops and events

Hastings Arts Forum - Local artist run organisation promoting and supporting the arts and creative practice in Hastings and St Leonards and beyond with a full programme of exhibitions throughout the year. My book Between Land, Sea and Sky is on sale here.

Printed Matter Bookshop where my book Between Land, Sea and Sky is on sale - an East Sussex company offering personal and professional development using the horse as guides

Anne Baring - website of the Author and Jungian Analyst Anne Baring, who recently published The Dream of the Cosmos bringing together two decades of research and personal development.

UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. Regulatory body for Psychotherpy, including information about accessing different modalities of psychotherapy and how to find a therapist.

Photo Hastings  - photographers collective supporting creative photography based in Hastings and Southeast England.

Eco Psychology UK - information about the multidisciplinary and growing field of eco psychology in the UK

Heart Math Institute - information and research on the connection between heart and brain and how to harmonise heart and brain for the well being of self and the wider world

All images and text on this site © Marybeth Haas 2010-2024 all rights reserved