The Virtual


Save the Earth While We Still Can


Strap on your sword, tighten your belt, and always seek shelter before night falls


New Recruits! Attention!

You will want to obtain your

as soon as possible!


Quiz for new citizens (below)

Mutation is a fact of life! Don't be left in the dark. Take the assessment, educate yourself, and be prepared!

You are not alone! Enter your quiz results. See the stats for our new mutant population on this handy **Chart**!!

(NOTE: your email is *not* collected unless you enter it on the form for a newsletter)

Welcome to the Re-evolution

Mind the bats. They bite.

We are very pleased you've found us! We need you, and your help, if we're to make it. Together we will survive and thrive.

Who are we? Apologies, new friend, but we prefer to keep that bit of intel on the down low. At least for now. You're here. We're here. That's what matters. Together we will collaborate, communicate, and live.

Does this sound a bit dramatic? No worries. We get it. I understand. We all do, which doesn't seem very helpful at the moment, and yet you're still here, aren't you?

You know you need to be be here. Thank you for coming.

There is much for you to learn; much for us to teach, but we must also be very careful. There are those who do not wish for certain information to be widely disseminated. This site stands in defiance of those people.

We are the resistance. We are the Re-evolution.


Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs, and views expressed by the authors and contributors to this site may or may not have any basis of truth in your everyday, mundane life, none whatsoever. However, in the event of sudden transport to Eaglefall, or an abrupt re-evolution of modern civilization, we are not responsible for any adventurers lost due to the fact they should have been paying attention.


Further: We cannot be be held accountable for any inaccuracy or lack of complete information in this developing situation. Each citizen is responsible for their own survival. To help you, we have developed some study aids, disguised as novels, for your enlightenment and survival needs.

Be Prepared. Survive!

Attention New Citizens -

Have you been tested? Are you experiencing unusual hair growth? Is your body changing in unexpected ways? You may be mutating. Do not be alarmed. This is a natural process and you are not alone. We have developed a handy test for you to diagnose your symptoms. Allow approximately ten minutes for this 35 question multiple choice assessment and we may be able to help you determine your future.

Click on the link above, or follow this link to "Know Before you Grow".

(Note: This assessment is still in the experimental phase, we apologize for the inconvenience, but this whole situation is, quite literally, still evolving. We're doing our best.)


Already tested? Already Mutated?

Check our Zoological Index and Study Guides

Quick Facts


Maybe you haven't been paying attention? Things are getting weird. Dangerous. Even broken. There's an upset in nature and our global climate is confused and hurting. There have been... changes. Animals, plants, even you, my friend, are not safe from, or separate to, the impending evolution and revolution of our home world.

You will see the changes as you walk the beaches or hike the forest paths. You see the difference in the animals around us, smell the difference in the air, and taste it in the water you drink. Look into the eyes of your fellow beings and see there how we are all affected. Change is coming. Change is already here.


This is a place. It's where you are now, even if you haven't come to understand or accept it. Yet. Let's just pretend it's a state of mind for now, you'll soon see the truth of it. Do not fret; you are not alone.


You are here for a reason. You may not know what it is yet, or why you even came here, but we're glad you found your way. We need you as much as you will need us. Welcome to the fight.


Life all around us is changing in ways we are only just beginning to understand. Some change will be beneficial, much of it will be dangerous. Humans have been mucking around with the environment for far too long and a reckoning is due. The Balance of Nature has been knocked askew and the Earth itself is angry.

If we are to survive the coming changes, we must work together. It's the only way we will reclaim our place as a natural and beneficial part of the eco-system. The alternative is to remain something our planet is better off getting rid of, as a dog might scratch away fleas.

We must evolve humanity into something better.


- All Recruits are required to read and heed