Who am I?

My name is Tristan Vetra, I am the UI Designer for Conjure Quest. At first I was nervous starting this project, I've never worked on a game of this scale with a team of this size. Luckily that the team that I'm apart of are talented and dedicated artists and programmers and I'm glad that we all got along well.

I'm glad I was able to show off my skill as an artist with the faction info screens and main UI's. I can't thank my team enough for allowing me to work on an important part of this game.

Making the UI

In the beginning of the development coming up with UI on this scale was new for me. In previous project I worked on small aspects of UI like button, scoreboard, and end screens, but now, working on a project of this scale I needed to buckle down on the design.

A tricky part of this project was coming up with a design that is simple to understand, that doesn't overwhelm the player, and making sure the style and colors of the UI go well with the theme of the game. At times it felt like a puzzle, trying to fit so much on a screen while trying to not to clutter it.

Faction Art

Besides UI design, I also created the Art for the Faction Info Screens. I thought of the idea of these screens from League of Legends from how the developers of the game made detailed splash art for there low-poly characters. I thought it would be a good way to bring these characters to life and to give them a little personality.

Mushroom Faction

Rock Faction

Tea Cup Faction

Ghost Faction