Meet Chapin

Hello there, my name is Chapin Reil, and I am a 3D Artist and Technical Artist on Conjure Quest. I've had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with this amazing team to develop this project. I've made environment pieces, characters, and board tiles for the game in addition to working on lighting, shaders, and post-processing for Conjure Quest.



Conjuring Tiles

For the game I worked on the Pasture, Fields, and Ocean tiles for the game board. When we settled on the premise that Conjure Quest was a game created by Wizards, I wanted to make sure each tile felt like a slice of a world created by a magical spell.

The Fields and Ocean tiles went through a couple of iterations. Originally the Fields tile was only comprised of wheat but it grew into a tile with multiple crops to add visual variety. The shader for the Ocean tile changed significantly from its first iteration which was more abstract and transparent which did not quite work when on the board with the other tiles. This lead to a creation of a new shader which would have vertex normal animations along with the base color animations.

Wizards and Rocks

I worked on designing and modeling the Rock Faction unit for the game. Our team's goal with the units was to make them look like they were creatures from a storybook. This is why I went with the design choice to have the Rock creature appear to be a magical cluster of rocks and crystals appearing in the form of a bipedal creature.

The Wizard design was heavily inspired by puppets. Having the Wizards resemble puppets helped fit them into the tiles and units we had already created and add to the storybook elements throughout. Six color schemes were picked to be used to distinguish the potential six Players that could be in a single game together. The six Wizards each have one of these color schemes for their robes to represent the Players.

The Environment

The Team wanted to have an environment that the board of the game would exist in. To have flexibility in designing the space, I created two modular wall panels that could be used. One was a blank basic stone wall, while the other had a hexagonal window with a stained glass design I created, utilizing some of the UI elements for the four Factions the Player can choose from. This allowed us to move the walls around if need be.

Once the environment props started to be brought in, I started working on creating the lighting for the game scene. I wanted the environment to feel warm, lit by the natural light from the windows and the flames of the candle. I added post-processing volumes to boost the effects of the lighting to increase the warm atmosphere of the scene. Additionally I created some particle effects for the candle flames and tea steam, and a decal of spilled tea to show the Player the inciting incident of the game's story.