Learning Perspectives and Resources

Directions for the Learning Modules

Module Icon

The module icon will be specific to each module. It will symbolize each lesson and specific characteristics used in that module. Additionally, you can match each reflection or activity in the log to the lessons by the icon.


Each learning module introduces a focus of Conceptual Math and provides both video and printed resources. Introductory resources will have guided directions to tell you were to go. All the resources will open in a different tab so you will not lose your place in this PLM.


There are articles, websites, or lesson plans to read for each Module as well as supplementary material for you to refer to later. All resources open in a new tab so you will not lose your place in this PLM.

It is not required for you to view the extra resources.

Reflection or Activity

At the end of each module, there will be reflection questions or an activity for you to complete. These reflections and activities are outlined in your Reflection and Activity Journal. Please make sure you create your own copy during the Challenge and Initial Thoughts module.

Keep this Google Doc open as you will need to return to it often.

Overall this PLC should take approximately 5 hours. Each lesson module and reflection activity will take you about 10-45 minutes to complete.

Learning Modules

Below are the topics you will learn about. Each module is associated with a specific icon.

You can begin by clicking on Module 1 or clicking the next module button at the bottom of the page.