Unit 6 Practice

Use the 2-way table above to answer questions 1-4.

1) Based on the survey results above, what is the probability that a person sampled was female?  Initialize the value of 'pFemale' below.

2) Based on the survey results above, what is the probability that a person sampled stated they felt they were 'overweight'?  Initialize the value of 'pOverweight' below.

3) Based on the survey results above, what is the probability that a person sampled is a male AND felt they were 'overweight'?  Initialize the value of 'pMAndO' below.

4) Based on the survey results above, given that a person believes they are underweight, what is the probability the person is a male?  Initialize the value of 'pMGivenU' below.

Use the Venn Diagram above to answers questions 5-8:

5) What is the probability A or B?  Initialize the value of 'pAOrB' below.

6) What is the probability of not A and not B?  Initialize the value of 'pNeitherAB' below.

7) What is the probability of A given B?  Initialize the value of 'pAGivenB' below.

8) What is the probability of B given A?  Initialize the value of 'pBGivenA' below.

Use the following tree diagram for questions 9-12:

9) What is the probability of A and not B?  Initialize the value of 'pANotB' below.

10) What is the probability of A?  Initialize the value of 'pA' below.

11) What is the probability of A or B?  Initialize the value of 'pAOrB' below.

12) What is the probability of A given B?  Initialize the value of 'pAGivenB' below.