First Hint


Think about how you could draw 1000s of points on the graph.  Suppose your x-min is

-10 and your x-max is 10.  That is 20 units on the x-axis if you increase by ones.  However, if you increase by .1 then you would have around 200 x-values.


i.e. -10, -9.9, -9.8, -9.7, …. 9.8, 9.9, 10


If you draw 200 points on the graph, it will probably look pretty much like a line.  What about 2000 or even 20000 points?


Illustrated with increments of 0.1 and the example line of y = 3x - 2


First point:       (-10, -32)

Second point: (-9.9, -31.7)

Third point:   (-9.8, -31.4)

And so on.