Unit 5 Practice

Solve the triangle above by finding the values for side c, angle A, and angle B.

Initialize the values for 'c', 'A', 'B' below.

Solve the triangle above by finding the values for side b, angle A, and angle B.

Initialize the values for 'b, 'A', 'B' below.

Solve the triangle above by finding the values for side b, side c, and angle A.

Initialize the values for 'b', 'c, 'A' below.

Use the figure and formulas above to answer the next four questions

a = 8, b = 7, c = 5

Solve the triangle.

Initialize values for 'angleA', 'angleB', and 'angleC' below.

b = 6, c = 3, angleA = 40 degrees.

Solve the triangle.

Initialize values for 'a', 'angleB', and 'angleC' below.

a = 10, angleB = 50, angleA = 70

Solve the triangle.

Initialize values for 'b', 'c', and 'angleC' below.

c = 9, angleA = 20, angleB = 30

Solve the triangle.

Initialize values for 'a', 'b', and 'angleC' below.