Sona Automatic Credit Granting

Here are the steps, which are subject to change since the product is controlled by Qualtrics:

Note that Sona Provides its own, similar instruction page at

(1) In the Sona system, change the Study URL so it includes ?id=%SURVEY_CODE% in the URL. So for example, if the Qualtrics URL (Anonymous Survey Link) is:


Change it to:

  • (Note: "id" must be in lower-case)

(2) In Qualtrics, configure the survey to accept the survey code number as an embedded data field named "id". Remember to use lower-case as this is case-sensitive. To do this, go to

  • Survey Flow > Add a New Element > Embedded Data.

  • Type the following text: id

  • Select "Save Flow." Do NOT set a value now.

(3) Having completed Step 1, the Study Information in the the Sona system now displays a URL labeled "Qualtrics Redirect to a URL," as shown in the figure below.

(3) Having completed Step 1, the Study Information in the the Sona system now displays a URL labeled "Qualtrics Redirect to a URL," as shown in the figure below.

(4) In Qualtrics, in the Builder area of your survey, select the End of Survey element. (You'll see it below your final question but above the trash area.) From the menu on the left, select Redirect to URL In the empty field enter the "Qualtrics Redirect to a URL" link from the Sona system. You may simply copy and paste the unaltered value from Sona into Qualtrics. Do not use the Sona "Study URL" or the Sona "Direct Study Link." Select the PUBLISH button.