
[also see miscellaneous references]


Web Interfaces for Quick, Simple R Coding


Statistical Power

Test of Whether Two Independent Samples have Identical Distributions

Chi Square

Combinations and Permutations Calculator. Calculates the number of possible combinations or permutations (does not conduct statistical tests). Conceptually useful, though crash prone on some computers.

Correlation Calculation

Signal Detection

Miscellaneous Calculators:

Miscellaneous TUTORIALS

Full online textbook on multiple Regression (BGSU login required)


  • jamovi and R

Logical Operators

equal? ==

not equal? !=

less than? <

greater than? >

are both true? and {jamovi} & {R}

is at least one true? or {jamovi} | {R}

is it false? not {jamovi} ! {R}

  • R: To create a vector (i.e., an array) of shuffled consecutive integers, where n is the number of consecutive integers, and m is the number of elements to in the new vector (and is equal to n), use: mynewvector <- (n, size = m, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)

  • GGPLOT2/R: To horizontally offset elements that have already been dodged:

aes(x = as.numeric(myXvar) + 0.2)

  • Verbal Bayes-factor categories from Kass & Raftery (1995) [also see the "footnotes" of the present web page]:


Evidence Against the Null Hypothesis

BF > 1 through BF <= 3 "Not worth more than a bare mention."

BF > 3 through BF <= 20 "Positive"

BF > 20 through BF <= 150 "Strong"

BF > 150 "Very Strong"


  • Excel: Creating random normal deviates: =NORM.INV(RAND()+0.0000000001,0,1)


A snippet from Kass and Raftery: Robert E Kass, R. E., & Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayes Factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 774-795.