
We continue to be thrilled with the world-wide response to this new collegiate program. More money for scholarships and many donors of prizes including books, boards, watches, discounts to backgammon sites and materials. And support from many of the top backgammon personalities all over the world and of course, from virtually every major Federation. Thanks to all. This is MORE than just a competition to find the best collegiate players...this will get teams and clubs representing their schools and their country and create development programs in high schools and colleges all over the world. Thanks so much for the generous support. But we need much more so we can give more kids more prizes and scholarships! Please put this program high on your list to support with your time, donations, and energy. This is what will grow the game in a major way in the future!

The current list of sponsors:

Backgammon Ace

Backgammon For Losers, by Simon Hill

Backgammon, From Basics to Badass, by Marc Brockman Olsen

Backgammon Learning Center

BLC Boot Camp

Backgammon NJ

Belair Time Corporation

FM Gammon

Gammon Village

Mindgames Center

Opening Ceremony

P-40 Backgammon Boards

Safe Harbor Games