
To be eligible for the International Collegiate Backgammon Championships you must be under 26 years of age and a full-time college student, high school student, or lower, as of January 1, 2017.

As a member you will be eligible to compete in the Collegiate Room on and on BackgammonAce for prizes. We will also offer teaching sessions and team competitions by country.

We encourage you all to join your country's backgammon federation - most offer discount memberships for students, and many will help provide additional coaching and support. (If there is not a federation in your country, you will be encouraged to become a member of a nearby country's federation.) We will ask federations to assign a "mentor" to help you with your game and answer any questions you might have about the game or competition.

All of our online tournaments will be played on Safe Harbor Games. Once you register on this website, you will be given a ICBG user name. You will need to use this name when you join Safe Harbor Games. You will also need to join the Online ICBG League with that same User ID. Safe Harbor Games is where all the tournaments will be played, and the ICBG League is where all the league records, stats and user information will be kept and organized.

We will be running qualifying events in order to end up with 8 players who will then compete to become a finalist. The two finalists will be invited to a live event at the end of 2017 or early 2018, all expenses paid, and both players will receive significant prizes including scholarship money for school.

All registered students will have access to videos and teaching aids produced by Mochy and Phil Simborg and will be invited to participate in various live teaching exhibitions by Mochy, Phil and other volunteers.

To register, please fill out the form below: Once you do that, and receive your ICBG User ID, you will then be sent instructions on how to join both Safe Harbor Games and the ICBG Online League.