International Collegiate Backgammon

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Mochy and Phil have been running camps and lessons and programs for school kids in their own countries (Japan and US) for years and decided that there is no reason why the rest of the world can't do the same. So they created the International Collegiate Backgammon Championships to provide a place were students under 26 can compete for scholarships and prizes.

Through the generosity of many in the backgammon community, over $10,000 in scholarship funds and dozens of prizes including books, software, lessons and backgammon supplies have been donated to support the program.

Safe Harbor Games and BackgammonAce have donated the use of their sites and apps to host tournaments. By the summer of 2018 we will run special qualifying events to get to 2 finalists which will be invited to play a live, final match at a major tournament. All expenses will be paid and there will be major prizes awarded.

In addition to the online tournaments, Mochy and Phil and other invited guest teachers will provide personal and group lessons and videos for the students.

Every major backgammon federation has pledged to cooperate and participate and it is our hope that this will be an on-going program sponsored and supported and run by the federations. Eventually we hope to have competitions between countries or even individual schools.

In addition to Mochy and Phil, Michelle Steinberg will be our official Tournament Director, coordinator and web site manager.

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