Additional Resources


"Everyone has the capacity for giving useful feedback and some people use it to more effect than others. The skills of giving and receiving feedback can be developed if attention is given to some of the attributes of worth while feedback and how it can be given in ways which enhance its contribution to learning" (Boud, 1991).

(Click the picture to the right to gain access to full article)


Listening is the essential, and often overlooked, half of communication. If we all just listen a little bit more, we can transform any relationship.

William Ury tells stories that provide us with impactful lessons, such as understanding the power of a human min opening up.

(Click the video to the left to hear expert William Ury discuss the power of listening)


"I know that I'm ready to give feedback when..." (Brown, B., 2018)

Author Brene Brown's hit Dare to Lead has sparked educational minds everywhere. Through her research, she has created many resources to stucture our feedback's success.

(Click the picture to the right to gain access to the engaged feedback checklist)


What do you think would improve education for your kid? Government regulations? Change of school or a new class?

Ernest Jenavs suggest that we should be finding ways to improve the quality of education by school. And they way we could this - is by building a strong culture of feedback.

(Click the video to the left to hear expert Ernest Jenavs discuss bulding a culture of feedback)


The ultimate benefit of having your teaching peer reviewed is that it allows an individual to receive feedback on their teaching from a different perspective to the traditional source of feedback on teaching: students" (Farrell, 2011, p. 6). Farrell provides a vast amount of knowledge concerning collegial feedback on teaching.

(Click the picture to the right to gain access to the full peer review guide)