Curso de Formação

Agrupamento de Escolas Alexandre Herculano


Devido ao estado de pandemia instalado no decorrer do ano 2020, foi necessário proceder-se a reajustes na operacionalização do projeto sendo que as atividades de mobilidade tiveram de ser adiadas. Assim, prevê-se a nova calendarização das mesmas no decorrer nos anos 2021 e 2022 (de acordo com prolongamento oficial do projeto).

Descrição sumária

O Curso de Formação destina-se a um conjunto de 12 participantes neste projeto Erasmus e tem como objetivos:

  • Reforçar as competências digitais dos participantes, levando-os a uma disseminação posterior que possa afetar um grande número de docentes do Agrupamento;

  • Motivar os participantes para a inovação pedagógica no que diz respeito a novas estratégias e métodos de ensino;

  • Atualizar conhecimentos que potenciem o uso da Sala de Aula do Futuro do Agrupamento bem como toda a oferta tecnológica ao dispor dos docentes.

Atividade de Formação

Entidade formadora:

Eruditus Language School


“Interactive Teaching - Using Educational games and New Technology in order to enhance learner's motivation”

Local: Constanz (Alemanha)

Data: 13-09-2021 - 17-09-2021

Procedimentos preparatórios


  • Previous to the beginning of the training the granted participants will be sent the detailed programme of the course along with a pre-departure support consisting of the necessary information required to reach destination and to successfully manage within the course period in the new country.

  • Participants will be asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their backgrounds and needs. Questions will refer to their interest and experience in educational games, WEB 2.0 tools, their teaching backgrounds, ability of using a computer, level of course language.

  • Competences required to attend the course: -Basic knowledge of main PC programmes (windows-word) and use of internet; Knowledge of the language course. (For teachers with lower level of English we also offer English and New Technology course)

Objetivos do Curso

  • To promote and develop awareness of interactive teaching methods (educational games and WEB 2.0 tools)

  • To learn how WEB 2.0 tools can support learning

  • To experience the positive effects of interactive teaching methods in increasing students' motivation

  • To provide multicultural environment for sharing experience related to the use of interactive methods of teachings

  • To improve communication skills by working collaboratively in transnational groups.

Resultados esperados

As a result of attending this training course, the participants will become more creative in their teaching and they will be able to design materials that are motivating and attractive by using computer (WEB 2.0 tools) and non-computer based activities. At the same time they will gain more confidence as users of English.


  • This course will focus on the potential WEB 2.0 tools and educational games have to create engaging student activities.

  • Participants are expected to play an active role. They will work and create their own teaching materials during the course period.

  • Classes will be taught in a very practical way based on the “learning by doing” principle which is expected to stimulate attendees to make use of the newly acquired information.

  • During the last part of the course participants will share their own teaching experience related to educational games and/or WEB 2.0 tools.

  • An evaluation questionnaire will be given to the participants so as to gather participants' opinions about the training and its contents, logistic organisation, instructors, materials provided and asses to which extent the course managed to improve participants' competences in the field of interactive and innovative teaching.


  • Module 1: Educational games in the classroom;

  • Module 2: WEB 2.0 tools (Games and activities online)

  • Module 3: Interaction beyond the classroom walls - Outdoors Activities

  • Module 4: Sharing experience; participants introduce their own teaching activities

Disseminação_Curso de Formação

Sessão de formação 1: Ferramentas Digitais

Data: 15 de dezembro de 2021

Disseminação_Curso de Formação:

Ferramentas digitais apresentadas: Goose Chase e Lyrics Training

Disseminação_Curso de Formação

Sessão de formação 2: Ferramentas Digitais

Data: 3 de março de 2022

Disseminação_Curso de Formação:

Ferramentas digitais apresentadas: Plickers e Quizizz

Disseminação_Curso de Formação

Sessão de formação 3: Ferramentas Digitais

Data: 27 de abril de 2022

Disseminação_Curso de Formação:

Ferramentas digitais a serem trabalhadas: Plickers