The Media Group

Real Clients: Welcome to the Skyline Media Group!

THE STUDENT LED Skyline Media Group

A full-service digital services firm and creative agency that provides professional multimedia solutions for the local nonprofit community. Since 2012, CMPP has worked with over a hundred nonprofit clients to bring their visions to reality through compelling digital products.

Services provided by the firm include:

Video productions & Public Service Announcement (PSA) videos

Website design and development

Multimedia production

Social media strategies

Infographics and digital shorts

Logo design

Informational and informative products (e.g. voter packets, stickers, etc.)

Presentations to local government, nonprofit organizations, and the community

Courses of Study (12th grade):

Public Policy Internship:

What nonprofit client needs your help getting their message to the public? Working as a team, provide public relations services to a local non-profit organization by working on a real problem and producing a real video project for a real client.

Digital Media & Effective Communication:

Develop advanced skills in multimedia design around the issues and topics that concern you the most. From podcasts, to websites, to social media strategies, and advanced digital videos, you will learn to effectively communicate and persuade others throughout our community.

Public Policy Research:

What issues concern you the most? Working on your own, focus on one issue and produce an effective, professional quality video that convinces the local audience to make a difference. Your work is screened by an audience of professionals in policymaking, marketing and public relations.