The Digital Studio

Real Projects: Welcome to the Digital Studio!

CMPP students get hands-on experience in our digital studio with the Legacies Project and they also produce "CMPP10" student news

Students develop professional level video production and video editing skills with hands-on experience producing projects in our digital studio. The Legacies Project preserves the stories of elders in our community to remind ourselves that our seniors are cherished sources of cultural wisdom and first-hand witnesses to history. CMPP students are trained to work with community elders to videotape their personal histories through professionally produced films. Students also create the show "CMPP10" Student News on issues of interest to Skyline students.

Courses of Study (11th grade):

Public Policy and the Media (also earns U.S. Government credit for graduation):

Develop critical thinking, policy analysis, fiscal and budget analysis skills required for leadership in the non-profit world. Create digital videos to persuade and inform on current public policy issues. Earn US Government credit as you explore current issues related to the public sector.

Broadcast Communication:

Lights, Camera, Action! Working with the Legacies Oral History Project and also creating the "CMPP10" Student News show, students learn video production skills using professional video cameras and audio equipment, interviewing techniques, and video editing skills using professional software including Final Cut Pro.