
The content of the ePortfolio is the result of my studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's Distance Education Professional Development (DEPD) certificate program. I truly enjoyed this program. It has enriched my knowledge of online education and has given me the chance to experiment with many online educational theories in my course designs.

Duration: June 9th, 2020 - October 5th, 2020

Courses Studied:

    • PCOE Certificate Orientation

    • PCOE 110 The Changing Landscape of Online Education

    • PCOE 120 Writing Objectives for Online Learning

    • PCOE 125 Basics of Online Discussions

    • PCOE 130 Basics of Online Learning and Teaching

    • PCOE 140 Basics of Instructional Design for Online Learning

    • PCOE 150 Basics of Online Assessment

    • PCOE Learning ePortfolio Guidelines

© 2020-2021 Cecily McKeown