Enabling Conditions


Common Assumptions

Priority Indicators

Degree of relevant staff support to adopt and implement the Conservation Standards. 

Conduct a survey of relevant staff (or a representative sample of staff) across various levels and departments to assess their willingness and experience to adopt and use the Conservation Standards. Consider disaggregating the data by staff type (e.g. leadership, administration, partner, field staff). See example perception survey here

Proportion (%) of relevant staff that have received training in the Conservation Standards. 

Compare the proportion of relevant staff that have completed the required Conservation Standards training against those who have not received training. 

Amount of resources (money & time) invested in training staff in the use of the Conservation Standards. 

Estimate the financial resources and amount of time spent to train staff (including consultants) per year. 

List of Indicators 

Skills & knowledge

Number or proportion of staff (or team members) that have received training in the Conservation Standards

Count of the number of personnel that have participated in a training event OR the proportion of required staff that have completed the training. Consider disaggregating the indicator by: the type or quality of training received; the type of competencies covered. An additional supporting indicator could be the presence of absence a mandate to build Conservation Standards capacity within a particular team.  

Change in Conservation Standards competency among team members

If formal training takes place, a participant survey could be used to track change in targeted competencies identified for the specific training event. To track the impact of a training event, pre- and post-training surveys can be used to monitor the change in targeted participant competencies. See example survey here. 

Availability of trained coaches to lead the use of the Conservation Standards

{insert details and methods}

Financial Investment

Amount of money invested in developing/securing systems and tools to support the use of the Conservation Standards 

{insert details and methods}

Amount of money invested in training staff in the Conservation Standards 

Additive cost of formal training courses


Amount of time spent developing/securing systems and tools to support the use of the Conservation Standards 

{insert details and methods}

Perceptions & Behaviour

Level of organizational maturity 

Level of organizational maturity (this may include structural, technological and culture changes). Use the Conservation Capability Maturity Model annually to assess organizational performance and identify potential improvements. 

Degree of personnel support for the use of the Conservation Standards 

Conduct a survey of relevant staff (or a representative sample of staff) across various levels and departments to assess their willingness and experience to adopt and use the Conservation Standards. Consider disaggregating the data by staff type (e.g. leadership, administration, partner, field staff). See example perception survey here

Tools and Resources

The purpose of this tool is to allow teams to easily track not only whether they have all the elements of a good strategic plan, but also elements of implementation efficiency, project support, and the delivery of outcomes and impact. 

(see Enabling Conditions tab)

Tool - Pre and Post Training Course Participant Survey.pdf

Example Pre- and Post-Course Survey

To track the impact of a training event, pre- and post-training surveys can be used to monitor the change in targeted participant competencies. 


Conservation Capability Maturity Model

A model for assessing organizational performance and identifying potential improvements

Tool - Staff Survey - Experience with the Conservation Standards & Miradi.pdf

Example Team Perception Survey

Surveys can be created to assess the team's experience with and perception of the Conservation Standards.