Conservation Standards Workbook of Indicators

The use of  adaptive management frameworks in conservation continues to grow. Yet, there is a persistent desire across the conservation community to provide proof-of-concept. Our intention with this Workbook of Indicators is to provide a go-to set of indicators, methods, tools and other resources that help organizations and practitioners to seek evidence of the utility and efficacy of using the Conservation Standards, or other similar frameworks. 

Who is the audience? 

The Workbook of Indicators and monitoring protocol can be used by any project team or conservation organization that is applying the Conservation Standards or a similar adaptive  management framework. While the workbook was developed with projects or programs in mind, it could be useful at any scale as long as there is an underlying theory of change with results similar to the those described here. The main audience for this workbook are organizations, practitioners and CCNet coaches that are familiar with the Conservation Standards. Others could also benefit though they may want to refer to the Conservation Standards 4.0 for an overview of terms and concepts.  

Theory of Change 

The Conservation Standards workbook categories are based off the high-level group results defined in the CSEI theory of change. Teams are able to test the assumptions along this theory of change by monitoring selected indicators within each category. 

How do I use it?  

The Workbook of Indicators consists of seven pages, each of which includes a set of indicators (with details, methods, tools and resources) for teams to choose from to help them answer key questions and test common assumptions

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