Meta versus Canon

An Important Divider

The Terms "Meta" and "Canon" get used a lot on CMHoC, and as a player, it's important to know the difference between the two.


Canon is anything that happens within the world of CMHoC, anything your persona says or does in a canon chat or subreddit can be referenced in the future in simulation, so it's important to know when you or others are in character or not, and to make them clearly distinct.

Places that are Considered Canon Include:

  • All Subreddits except r/CMHoCMeta

  • Discord and Voice Channels, on the Main discord or on Party Discords, labelled as Canon.

  • DMs with Other Players, if both players agree their conversation is canon.


Anything not within those places is considered meta, but in some cases, meta may occur in otherwise canon places.

Some Examples of Non-Canon Actions that may occur in Canon Places.

  • Any Voice Statement that is Started with the Voice Statement “Meta”

  • Any Message Started with “M:” or “Meta:”

  • Discord reactions to messages.


This is usually done in extreme circumstances when the moderation team feels that someone in canon has gone over the line of what is legitimate canon. It can also occur when an event in real life is too complicated to simulate or is particularly harmful. Some examples include:

  • Members engaging in acts of violence towards their own characters or within the CMHoC world.

  • Members having their characters commit crimes.

  • Members having their characters die suddenly.

The moderation team reacts by posting a message on r/CMHoCMeta declaring the event to be decanonized, stating the reason why it is decanonized.

Still need help?

If you still havent been able to find what you were looking for, contact the moderators via Reddit Modmail, or send in a Support ticket on the Official Discord.