Getting Started

Join a Party (or Become an Independent)

Here on CMHoC, the sim is organized around player-operated parties.

There are two kinds of parties

both serve as parties, but Official Status Parties are generally more organized and larger with more players.

You can Join a Party or become an Independent on the Join a Party Thread 

Join the Official CMHoC Discord Server

Discord is a free browser and app-based messaging platform which all of our active members use to communicate. Although optional, joining the Discord is highly recommended. Many Smaller updates to the simulation are announced only on the discord.

Official CMHoC Discord Server 

Start Posting

Even as a New Player, you can contribute to the simulation in many ways. If there are Debates in Parliament Ongoing, you can hop straight in even as a non MP and participate in them, or if there is an election campaign ongoing you can contact your party leader to become a candidate. There are good reasons and rewards in Elections for Debating and contributing during non Election Periods, and to campaign for Office during them.

Still need help?

If you still havent been able to find what you were looking for, contact the moderators via Reddit Modmail, or send in a Support ticket on the Official Discord.