
The House of Commons

The House of Commons has 16 Seats, all filled by players in the simulation.

There are 16 Electoral Districts (Usually called “Ridings”) for the House of Commons, Maps will be given in Information Posts with the Election.

Federal Elections

A Federal Election happens at least once every 4 Months, in a Federal Election every seat in the House of Commons goes up for grabs.

Elections are fixed for the 3rd Monday of the 4th Month after the last election, but an election can happen sooner if there is a vote of no confidence or the Prime Minister calls a it early (This is called a "Snap Election")


A By Election occurs whenever a Riding Seat goes vacant, usually due to resignation or inactivity, an election for just that riding is held.

Simulated Voting

The elections in this simulator are also simulated with virtual voters. These virtual voters are influenced towards or against your party by 'modifiers'. They're called this because they modify your vote to be more in your favor. More on modifiers in the Modifier Guide section of this guide.


In a CMHoC Federal Election or By-Election, there will be a period before voting day called the campaigning period, if you are a candidate for election, be sure to check the information post of the election on how to campaign for that election, many modifiers can be earned from campaigning, and they often decide the winners of elections.

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