2022 Term 4

Term 4 --- Week 1

8 : Zoltan : Horrible game y=2^(x-5)+(-1)^x

Daniella : A_n+1 = 2*A_n + 3(-1)^n

Independent work on ToT 2002 JO mostly Q1, Q2, Q3.

9 : Angus : Worked in groups on boards on ToT JO 2002 questions.

10: Tamiru : ToT JO 2002 Q1&Q2 solved

11&12:Tamiru : ToT SO 2002 Q1 solved

Term 4 --- Week 2

8 : Elizabeth: Independent work and went through solutions to

ToT 2002 JO Q1, including discussion of proof by

contradiction with sqrt(2) as an example.

Q2 asked students to explain their solutions.

9 : Zoltan : Horrible game. y=2^n-n.

Individual and group work on ToT JO 2002.

10: Ralph : Group and individual work on ToT JO 2002 Q3.

Heard solutions for Q3(a), (b), (c).

Dissenting views need to be resolved next week.

11&12:Angus : ToT SO 2002 all questions completed.

Term 4 --- Week 3

8 : Elizabeth: ToT 2002 JO Q4 ... went through the full solution.

Sudents worked through Q5.

9 : Zoltan : Individual and group work on ToT JO 2002.

Almost completed the solution to Q1.

10: Ralph : ToT JO 2002. Q3 full solution discussed.

Worked on and completed Q4.

Started but have not finished Q5.

11&12:Angus : The polite chocolate game.

ToT SA 2002 questions started.

Term 4 --- Week 4

8 : Peter : ToT 2002 JO Q5 ... went through the full solution with proof.

9 : Ralph : Individual and group work on ToT JO 2002 Q4.

A student presented a correct solution to the problem.

10: Tamiru : ToT JO 2002. Q5 solved.

11&12:Zoltan : ToT SA 2002 Q7a solved together.

Q7b not quite finished.

Term 4 --- Week 5

8 : Ralph : Worked on ToT 2002 JA Q1 and Q2.

9 : Zoltan : Solved JO ToT 2002 Q1 and Q2 on board.

10: Elizabeth: Individual work on ToT JO 2002.

Q2 solved on board.

11&12: Peter : ToT SA 2002 Q2 some good approaches.

and Andrew : Q6 pretty close to finishing ... but no clear proof.

Term 4 --- Week 6

8 : Ralph : Finished ToT 2002 JA Q1 and Q2.

9 : Zoltan : Horrible game and Chocolate game.

10: Elizabeth: Individual work on ToT JA 2002.

Two students solved Q4 on the board.

Q7(a) was explained on the board due to demand.

11&12: Peter : Individual work on ToT SA 2002.

and Andrew : Q4 and Q5 solved.