
All questions you wish to be answered will be answered here.

  • So what tournament is it. a elimination, a round tournament
    The daily Match and Vote Chess Events are the two knockout tournaments. everything else is a different format. We have 4 Official Events you can choose from: Daily Match Championships, Vote Chess Championships, Club Owner Battle and Medieval War

  • Do I have to fill out a google form? Or can I register in my request to join by: Saying the clubs name + giving the link
    Club Wars Registration uses Google Forms. You will be required to fill out the form to join the Daily and Vote Chess Events. If you wish to join the Owner battle you will not need to use a form.

  • Will you join my club?
    At least one member of staff will join all competing clubs, at least during the period of competition. If your club wishes for matches to be automatically created by staff this account will need admin position.

  • Are there any prizes?
    Club Wars is based on a point system. Points are earned for all events.

  • What if a match in the vote chess championship is a draw?
    The Pre-War Round (Round 1) of the Vote Chess/Daily Match Championships deal with Draws. You can read about it here

  • For vote chess games (or daily matches I guess as well) where do we post the results so you can go check that? Or do you end up going through all the games and checking?
    You will not be required to post results anywhere. We will automatically start the next round when the round is over.

  • How can I become staff for Club Wars?

You will need to message @Nightly-Knight. If he is offline, message @rohithbala if he is online.

  • How Do I support Club Wars?
    Club Wars' Support system lasts for the full season (Year). You can join the support team at any time in the year and for being on the team your club will be linked in all future Club Wars Blog posts. To Get on the Support list for 2022 click here

  • How do I join the Medieval War?
    The Registration for this event opens in December. You will be able to sign up anytime after December. The Event is one year in length and clubs can join in at any time during the year and leave whenever they wish. It's like a Arena. There will be news posted in the Club Wars team when registration is available. To register you will only need to provide a picture and a link!

All questions above will be put here once they are asked by a member of CW. No names are revealed.

If you cannot find what you want to find here, get in touch with us instead. To ask the questions you have one of 2 choices;

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