Daily Match Championship

Daily Match Championships |Official Club Wars Event

Club Wars began it's legacy in 2020 with it's first championship event titled "2020 Club Championships" This event was the 2020 Daily Match Championships. It later became known as the Daily Match Championships when the Vote Chess Championships began a couple months later after the Daily Match event was a success. 

Daily Match Championships Rules/Regulations

Format: Elimination

Days per Move: 3

Round Length: 1 Month

Event length span: 6+ Months

Divisions: <1300, <1700, Open

#of Rounds: 6

Minimum number of players: 5


The Format of our Daily Match Championships is a 4 Round Knockout Competition that is preceded by a "Pre-War" Round.

Round 1 (Pre-War) and Round 2 will have all 16 Teams competing. After Round 2 is played half of the teams will be eliminated, likewise until the 5th Round (Finals) when the two remaining clubs fight for firs place.


After the Pre-War Round is completed the winning teams of this Round will have a  ✓  Next to its name in all future pairings. This checkmark will represent a win in the pre-war, and if any draws occur during any of the matches, this club claim the win.

All teams that lost in the Pre-War will have a  X  next to their team's name during the remainder of the competition. This signifies that if this team is drawn at the end of the round it will not pass on to the next round, UNLESS the other team also has a loss for the pre-war.

Draws can occur in the pre-war as well. I this happens the following symbol will appear next to the teams that made a draw in this round, -- When a Drawn Team (--)is faced with a lost team (X) and a draw occurs, the drawn team will more on. Likewise, if a won team draws with a lost or a drawn team, the won team will claim win. 

Round 2-5

After Round 1 (Pre-War) the final 5 rounds are the elimination rounds. 32 Clubs will turn into just the final 4. 2 Fighting for 1st and 2nd and the two fighting for 3rd. 

If your team lasts until Round 5 (Semi-Finals) Your club will be notified with a new forum post when news on the event is posted in the Club Wars Blog.

Round Length

The length of each round (as mentioned above) is 1 month. This means that it is a race to see who can win the most games inside of a month. This is the case for all round except Round 1 and Round 5 which are the pre war and the finals.


The admin's duty will be to find their opponent and create the match according to the specifications of the round. Failure to create the match with correct parameters will result in forfeit. Failure to create any match will result in forfeit. 

Only one side of the round must create the match. The other side must accept. Typically the left side of the pairings will create the match and the right side will accept. If your club is on the left side you are responsible to get the match going, otherwise forfeit. However, if the opposing team does not accept, then your team will claim forfeit.


As the Club Wars League Manager of your club you will have the responsibility to fill your roster before the start date. Club Wars does not make news in each individual competing clubs when matches are ready for registration.

When the semi-Finals hits all remaining clubs will have a forum post with the most recent update from Club Wars' Blog on it. https://www.chess.com/blog/Club-wars
