Vote Chess Championship

Vote Chess Championships | Official Club Wars Event

Round 5 is in progress  

Vote Chess Championships Rules and Guidelines
2023 Rules

Format: 32 Team Elimination 

Round Length: 2 Months

Days/Move: 24 Hours

#of Rounds: 6

Games per Round: 2

Each Round will have 2 Games in 2022

Round 1

Round 1, also known as the Pre-War, is the time where your team can make a little tiebreaker point before the actual war begins. Using a Random Number Generator pairings will be made at random. 

The Winner of this Round will be able to claim wins for any uncompleted games at the end of the 2 Month Rounds. 

Round 2 Will begin 2 Weeks after the Pre-War begins


Above it says 2 Months is the length of each Round. Here I will explain how this works.

Each Vote Chess game played will be a maximum of 30 Moves long

Most Matches will already be over by the end of 2 Months, but the ones that aren't this rule will apply:

With this Rule Round 1 Could be the Most important Round of the Whole event, so be prepared! The Bracket will not be used until Round 2 when the actual event begins

This rule is an exception for the Semi-Finals and the Finals


Draws may happen quite frequently. In the case that a Draw does occur here are the options that must be taken


A Club Wars Staff Member will be joining each club participating. if that staff member does not achieve ADMIN position in your club your club will be disqualified before Round 1 (Pre-War)

