Water Tiger Showdown

Rules for the Water Tiger Showdown

Format:  Swiss style - Daily Matches

Round Length: 1-2 Months

Days/Move: 3 days

#of Rounds: 4-6

Rating Rang: Under 1000 Standard Daily Rating


To qualify to compete in this event a club must fall under these specifics:


Each club will play in each round (unless an odd number of clubs entered) in a Swiss style event. All matches will be rated for under 1000 daily rating ONLY.

Minimum number of players in each round match is 3. 3 Under 1000 players are needed to not forfeit.


The clubs will be divided in half by size (member count) The top clubs will be paired with one of the bottom clubs on the list. After round 1 the competing clubs will be divided in half again by the half that won and the half that lost their games. Larger clubs always on top. (Size of the club will NEVER help in determining tiebreakers)


Just like in Swiss tournaments, if a match is drawn 0.5 points are awarded. A win is rewarded 1 point and a loss is 0.

At the end of the tournament the team who has the most points wins. There is expected to be ties, so tiebreakers will be described next.


In the event that at the end of the tournament two or more clubs have the same number of points CW staff will move over to a tiebreaker system. Here is the system.

If a team wins 2 or more rounds in a row they have obtained a streak. CW staff will determine tiebreaker points by which club had maintained the longer streak during the tournament.

If the tied clubs have played each other during the tournament then the side that won will take the higher place. However, if it was a drawn match the above system will be used to determine the tiebreaker points.

Other performance stats can be used such as which clubs the tied clubs have beaten/lost compared to the tied club.


League Points

Every club competing in the Water Tiger Showdown will earn a minimum of 2 League Points for the season.

Each round won in the tournament will result in 4 league points. Draws earn 2 league points and losses 0.

After the event is over the top 3 clubs will earn an additional points:

First: 10

Second: 6

Third: 2

The event being 4-6 rounds, if a club wins all 6 clubs (if there is 6 rounds) would equal 24+10=34 League points (assuming a club that wins all 6 rounds won the tournament)

If you have any questions about League points or anything else about this new event please contact @ChessPawn921.


Registration will be open for 2 weeks (16 May 2023 to 30 May 2023).