
Climate-Lab personnel involves top tier senior, and junior scientists, from Politecnico and other institutes, constantly cooperating in developing science for climate change mitigation, and adaptation. 

People- POLIMI


Daniele Bocchiola

Daniele Bocchiola, PhD is C-Lab coordinator. Associate Professor @ Politecnico. His field of study covers especially water resources assessment and management, with emphasis upon present and potential future impact of climate change. 

Renzo Rosso

Renzo Rosso Full Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions at Politecnico di Milano and dean of the Water Science and Technology Section SIA of DICA. He has a 30+ years experience in the field of water resources management, and flood modeling and prediction. He is largely active in the field of Climate Change, including scientific study with several peer-reviewed contributions,and dissemination with several divulgative publications, and activities on media, blogs, and social networks.

Giovanni Bombelli

Giovanni is a Civil Engineer at Politecnico di Milano. He is a PhD student in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. He studies the impact of climate change upon hydrology of the mountain areas, and impact upon hydropower production thereby. During his PhD Thesis he is studying avalanche hazard mapping under the umbrella of the Aval Risk project.

Francesca Casale

Francesca is an Environmental Engineer at Politecnico di Milano. She is a PhD student in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. Her field of study covers mountain hydrology, erosion and sedimentation processes, and the impacts of climate change upon vegetation dynamics.   

Leonardo Stucchi

Leonardo is a Civil Engineer at Politecnico di Milano. He is a PhD student in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. He studies ice and snow dynamics in high altitude catchments, and the impact of global warming thereby. He also studies flood dynamics in the Caribbean areas. 

Flavia  Fuso

Flavia is a Civil Engineer at Politecnico di Milano. She is a PhD student in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. She studies the impact of climate change upon hydrology of the mountain areas, and water resources availability in the Po valley.

Xu Han

Xu  is an Envirronmental Engineer from the North China Electric Power University. He is a PhD student in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. He studies hydrology, and water management of the Three Gorges dam on the Yangtzee (Blue) river, and impact of climate change therein.

Diego Jacopino

Diego is a Civil Engineer at Politecnico di Milano, with a master's degree in Hydraulic Engineering. He is currently a research fellow at DICA Department.  He works in the field of mountain hydrology, with a focus on extreme precipitation, and climate change impacts thereby.

Lucia Ferrarin 

Lucia is an Environmental Engineer at Politecnico di Milano (2022). She started (November 2022) a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering in DICA Dept. Her field of study so far covered the dynamics of snow field, interpretation via remote sensing and ground based tools, and effects upon hydrology of high altitude catchments. She is now investigating Climate Attribution methods, i.e. to identify climate change impacts upon probability and characteristics of extreme events.

Sonia Morgese

Sonia is a Civil Engineer at Politecnico di Milano (2022). She started (December 2022) a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering @ Univerasity of Pavia, in fulfillment in DICA Dept of Politecnico. She studied hitherto climate change impact upon hydrology in Alpine regions and fallout thereby upon vegetation and pasture systems dynamics. Her PhD covers Urban-Water-Food-Energy (UWFE) nexus under global and climate change.

Elena Prando

Elena  is an Environmental Engineer at Politecnico di Milano (2023). She started (January 2024) cooperating with the personnel of Climate-Lab DICA Dept in the field of hydrogeological risk, and of climate change effects upon hydropower production, especially in high altitude catchments. She is now cooperating to research under the umbrella of the PRIN Project CCH-Alps.


Tiziana Poli

Tiziana Poli is Associate Professor (ssd ICAR 10), in the ABC Department. She is the Coordinator of the CCS Ingegneria Edile and Costruzioni, School AUIC, Politecnico di Milano Member of the Scientific Committee of the laboratories of the ABC Department. Professor of Technical Architecture, CdL in Building Engineering and Construction and Building Engineering-Architecture, AUIC School. Her main topics of research activities, and teaching are: design of high-performance building envelopes, analysis of comfort in closed spaces, analysis of thermal stresses in urban environments, characterization of the optical-radiative properties of building surfaces, and innovation of building systems and components.

Monica Lavagna

Architect, and Associate Professor, Technology of Architecture, DABC. 

Alessandro Rogora

Professore of Architectural Technology, DASTU.

Carlo Riva

Carlo Riva is Full Professor of Electromagnetics at Politecnico di Milano. His main research activities are in the fields of tropospheric propagation of millimeter-waves, propagation impairment mitigation techniques, and satellite communication adaptive systems. 

Roberto Nebuloni

Researcher at Istituto di Elettronica e diIngegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni (IEIIT) of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)  

Lorenzo Luini

Associate Professor at DEIB. His research activities focus on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, including both theoretical and experimental aspects (e.g. physical and statistical (model development and data collection and analysis).


Daniele Fabrizio Bignami

Daniele F. Bignami, PhD is  Research Project Manager (Project Development Department) for the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. He cooperates with Climate-Lab personnel in projects covering flood risk, and adaptation measures under climate change.


Guglielmina "Willy" Diolaiuti

Guglielmina is an Associate Professor in Geology, and Glaciology at University Milano. Her works cover present and past glaciation, and impacts of climate change, with a focus on the Alps, Andes, and Karakoram. She is the Top 1 Co-operator with Climate-Lab team, and active in several joint projects. 

Michele Freppaz

Michele is an Associate Professor in Soil Science at the University Torino. He cooperates largely with C-Lab teams in projects covering glaciers' dynamics, and snow and avalanche science.

Michael Lehning

Michael is a Professor of Snow Processes (WSL) and Cryospheric Sciences (EPFL) at WSL and EPFL Lausanne. He cooperates with C-Lab teams in projects covering snow hydrology, and avalanche science.