Find here the last paper from PoliMi-Climate_Lab !
"A multi-criteria analysis for Environmental Flow Assessment based on hydraulic modelling"
PoliMi-Climate_Lab and Italian Climate Network together for climate !
Lombardia, cambiamenti climatici ed eventi estremi ! Al TGR3 (minuto 2:20, entrambi i video)
Ecco l'indice di impegno climatico di ICN !!
Climate-Lab c'è !!
Online our last paper on climate change impacts on mountain pastures in Val d'aosta !
Cambiamenti climatici..l'opinione del Climate-Lab al TGR !!
Al minuto 4
Find here our new paper:
"An algorithm to generate 2D bathymetry of an Alpine river for habitat suitability assessment." in STOTEN.
Il giorno 24 Novembre, alle ore 14.30, nell'ambito delle attività relative alla
"Conduzione di attività di ricerca congiunta in merito alla gestione delle risorse idriche in ambito montano e agli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici in alta quota"
tra Polimi-DICA e CVNR-IRSA, Il Dr Leonardo Stucchi presenterà il seminario:
Il giorno 10 Novembre, alle ore 14.30, nell'ambito delle attività relative alla
"Conduzione di attività di ricerca congiunta in merito alla gestione delle risorse idriche in ambito montano e agli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici in alta quota"
tra Polimi-DICA e CVNR-IRSA, la D.ssa Francesca Casale presenterà il seminario:
Find here the last MS from Climate-Lab, on snow morphology.
Feat: Boku University.
Well done Lucia !!!
Find here our last paper on TAC, focusing upon accuracy of future hydro-climatic projection under IPCC AR6 schemes.
October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"
C-Lab members in top 2% scientists worldwide!
With the first surveys in August, the Climate-BODEN initiative starts, in cooperation with CNR IRSA Pallanza.
On October 25th, in Fassò room, the Seminar
"Una metodologia per valutazioni multi-hazard e multi-rischio a supporto della pianificazione di protezione civile: risultati, nodi, prospettive”
In cooperation with Regione Lombardia.
Stefano Ambrosini and Camilla Simoni gained the Award
ITCOLD2023 for the best MS Thesis on Dams and Reservoirs,
with their MS Thesis on climate change impacts upon hydropower production from the S. Giustina Lake, carried out with the personnel of Climate-Lab at DICA.
Good Job guys !!
European Climate Change Adaptation 2023...Climate Lab is there !!!
Con ANVCO sul ghiacciaio del parla di clima, ghiacciai, risorsa idrica sostenibile !!
"Fa Caldo sul Serio" project....the new season starts ! Stay tuned
Philosophiae Doctors!
Climate-Lab congrats Francesca, Flavia and Leo, well done!!
We are proud of your achievements, and wish you the best for your future.
New exciting research coming ahead...stay tuned on C-Lab!!
World Water Day with CAP. March 22nd 2023
Climbing for Climate. On the road to summit !
Idrostelvio 2022, cominciano i rilievi !!
Academia and Enterprise together against climate change ! Climate-Lab, and ANVCO Novara working together.
CS3 Seminars of DICA Scientific Committee.
Daniele Bocchiola presenting a talk on Avalanche Risk !!
Learn from the mummies with Climate-Lab !!
Fa Caldo sul Serio !
The paper, in press on the Journal of Hydrology
Our competence in a nutshell !!
Where are we ?
Politecnico di Milano.
L. da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano
Building 4a – DICA Dept. Section. Water Science and Technology SIA
Hub, servers e data storage
Building 15 – Dept. ABC
Building 20 – Dept. DEIB
Building 21 – Dept. DICA. Section Environment and Sanitary Engineering
Outdoor/Lab devices