Find here the last paper from PoliMi-Climate_Lab !

"A multi-criteria analysis for Environmental Flow Assessment based on hydraulic modelling"

Lombardia, cambiamenti climatici ed eventi estremi ! Al TGR3 (minuto 2:20, entrambi i video)

Online our paper on

"Statistical downscaling of GCMs wind speed data for trend analysis of future scenarios: a case study in the Lombardy region"

Statistical downscaling of GCMs wind speed data for trend analysis of future scenarios: a case study in the Lombardy region - Theoretical and Applied ClimatologyNear-surface wind speed is a key climatic variable, affecting many sectors, such as energy production, air pollution, and natural hazard. Lombardy region of Italy is among the European areas with lowest average wind speed, leading generally to low air quality and wind energy potential. However, it is also one of the most affected area by tornadoes in Italy. Here we investigate possible changes in wind circulation as due to prospective global warming. We analysed wind speed WS under future scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5) from six Global Climate Models (GCMs) until 2100, tuned against observed WS data. We employed a statistical downscaling method, namely Stochastic Time Random Cascade (STRC) to correct locally GCMs outputs. Three statistical tests, i.e. Linear Regression, Mann Kendall, Moving Window Average, were carried out to analyse future trends of: annual WS averages, 95th quantile (as an indicator of large WS), and the number of days of calm wind per year (NWC). The proposed STRC algorithm can successfully adjust the mean, standard deviation, and autocorrelation structure of the GCM outputs. No strong trends are found for the future. The chosen variables would all display non-stationarity, and the 95th percentile display a positive trend for most of the stations. Concerning NWC, notable discrepancies among GCMs are seen. The STRC algorithm can be used to successfully adjust GCMs outputs to reflect locally observed data and to then generate credible long-term scenarios for WSs as a tool for decision-making.

Find here our last paper on TAC, focusing upon accuracy of future hydro-climatic projection under IPCC AR6 schemes.

October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" 

C-Lab members in top 2%  scientists worldwide! 

With the first surveys in August, the Climate-BODEN initiative starts, in cooperation with CNR IRSA Pallanza.

On October 25th, in Fassò room, the Seminar

"Una metodologia per valutazioni multi-hazard e multi-rischio a supporto della pianificazione di protezione civile: risultati, nodi, prospettive”

In cooperation with Regione Lombardia.

Stefano Ambrosini and Camilla Simoni gained the Award

ITCOLD2023 for the best MS Thesis on Dams and Reservoirs,

with their MS Thesis on climate change impacts upon hydropower production from the S. Giustina Lake, carried out with the personnel of Climate-Lab at DICA.

Good Job guys !!

European Climate Change Adaptation 2023...Climate Lab is there !!! 

Con ANVCO sul ghiacciaio del parla di clima, ghiacciai, risorsa idrica sostenibile !!

Philosophiae Doctors!

Climate-Lab congrats Francesca, Flavia and Leo, well done!!

We are proud of your achievements, and wish you the best for your future.

New exciting research coming ahead...stay tuned on C-Lab!!

World Water Day with CAP.  March 22nd 2023

Academia and Enterprise together against climate change ! Climate-Lab, and ANVCO Novara working together.  

CS3 Seminars of DICA Scientific Committee.
Daniele Bocchiola presenting a talk on Avalanche  Risk !!

Learn from the mummies with Climate-Lab !!

Fa Caldo sul Serio !

The paper, in press on the Journal of Hydrology


Our competence in a nutshell !!

Where are we ?

Politecnico di Milano.

L. da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano 

Building  4a – DICA Dept. Section. Water Science and Technology SIA

Hub, servers e data storage

Building 15 – Dept. ABC

Building 20 – Dept. DEIB

Building 21 – Dept. DICA. Section Environment and Sanitary Engineering

Outdoor/Lab devices
