Data and Conclusions

Data used in this research

The variables that present the greatest variation and their average is less representative are precisely those that measure more extreme values ​​such as the winter minimums, the days where the temperatures exceeded 35ºC or those in which frosts occurrred.


According to the results, we cannot affirm that there is a linear relationship between the variables studied and production in any of the crops that we have taken into account.

What can be seen is the increasing or decreasing relationship between these variables, according to the information provided by the experts in each one of the crops.

It might have been interesting to collect more data to relate them, both for temperatures and for crop production, but the lack of resources has made data collection highly complicated.

On the one hand, with regard to temperatures, there is only one meteorological station located in the Padul area, and the first data they provide us is that of 01/26/2001.

As we have commented previously, these data are not valid for the cultivation of the orange tree, since the temperature varies a couple of degrees and that modifies the results.

With regard to production data, it has been impossible for us to obtain data from the area, since the cooperatives even received products from various areas of Granada. For this reason, the data have been taken from the official yearbooks of Junta de Andalucía and the first year where the data was significant was from 2005, so we have only worked with data from 14 years.

Finally, we want to say that although we have not found evidence of climate change and its impact on agriculture in the Lecrín Valley, that is no excuse for us to stop taking care of it and promoting actions that protect the environment. So we can preserve our natural environment with all its wealth.