Healthy Food


Healthy Food is a Clil project thought, planned and usable for young learners starting from the second grade of Primary School. Working in pairs or in small groups, pupils become familiar with food and their properties through Science, Food Education, Maths, Art and Culture with the use of skills in L2. Our itinerary is meant to involve children by activating their prior knowledge based on life experiences.

This project aims to enable students to use food accurately and raise awareness of the positive effects on their health.

We present this sequence of lessons, although they do not fit exactly into the canons of a traditional CLIL module, considering learners' young age and the necessity of parents' involvement.

Cl. 2 sez. B

Scuola Primaria "B. BAI"- Gurone di Malnate

Istituto Comprensivo "Iqbal Masih" - Malnate

Teachers: Colombo Piercarla - Candelmo Maria Giovanna