The Big D&T Meet – A National Conference 

Kate Finlay; Head of D&T at Heathersett Academy and D&T lead for Inspiration Trust.

In March 2023 Heathersett Academy were awarded an Enthuse Partnership from STEM Learning, this is a two-year partnership with 8-10 schools, targeting pupils with the greatest need, and working with teachers and wider influencers to increase attainment and raise aspiration for STEM careers. During a progress meeting I was asked if we would run a conference in Norfolk & Suffolk for D&T teachers, I replied by saying that we might as well run a national conference and they said... ‘ok then!’ 

I spent some time talking to associations, local teachers and some teachers nationally that I had met over the last few years.  Nobody seemed to be planning anything for this year and everyone was very enthusiastic about the opportunity to all meet up, network and get involved with workshops once again. 

As heads of departments and teachers, we spend many hours online in meetings and on courses. Many of us also use social media forums for showcasing work, discussing topics and supporting each other. Whilst there were many positives surrounding the move to online networking and support, as time moved on, I really missed network meetings and face to face CPD.  Professionally there is also a quality assurance point around advice and support gained online.   

So, by October it was agreed that we would put together a national conference.  The focus was on supporting not only teachers but our amazing technicians, support staff and potentially department line managers as well.  STEM learning was very supportive with making this affordable for schools (it is hard enough to get out of school as it is!) I was keen for as many staff to get out as possible and for whole teams to attend. I also think there is something amazing about an event that brings together all the facets of our D&T community in a way that everyone can be represented.  

Building an event like this is such a wonderful opportunity to showcase new technologies, bring associations and those supporting curriculum together.  It can also be tricky to balance all of this in one event.  I went back and thought about all the staff I had spoken to and what I would want and decided I would want a place to network, time to listen to different speakers, interact with companies who come into school and learn about national competitions.  

We are really excited about the D&T Big Meet, I am hoping that in the future another school and head of department will be excited to take the conference on, in another part of the UK next year – who doesn't love a D&T Team Road Trip! 

Date: 12th July 2024

Location: University of East Anglia, The Registry, University Plain, Norwich NR4 7TJ