OCR Subject Forum

By Liz Bull, OCR Subject Advisor for Design & Technology with Engineering 


There was a buzz in the air on February 28th, when design technology and engineering specialists and business experts gathered at OCR’s Cambridge headquarters for the forum: ‘Raising the profile of Design and Technology, and Engineering. The event was hosted by the OCR subject advisors and we were thrilled to be able to welcome so many people to the packed agenda.

What better way to start a forum than with a design challenge? A simple task to create a duck from six pieces of Lego resulted in a plethora of totally different designs. Proof – if it were needed - that design can be approached from many different angles!

Our first speaker, Tony Ryan, (The Design and Technology Association) updated us on the national picture for the design and technology subject. It was worrying to hear that the landscape has deteriorated, with a further reduction in the number of teaching staff, fewer students taking the subject and some schools no longer offering the subject. There was agreement that we need to keep the subject alive, but how? Perhaps the current design and technology qualification needs to be refreshed. The importance of practical skills and problem solving was at the forefront of our discussion. Tony set out DATA's vision to build a primary curriculum to support schools which in time should have a positive impact on secondary schools.  

Alex Lewis (the Alex Lewis Trust) shared his incredible life story from regular guy with a partner and a two-year old son to the life-changing loss of limbs caused by septicaemia. Since then, inclusive design has played a big part in helping him engage with life’s ordinary activities. It was an emotional talk that brought home the importance that designers and engineers have on our everyday lives. Alex has had many interactions with talented designers, engineers and universities, but he reflected that none of them actually asked him what he wanted and needed. A lesson for all budding designers and engineers to learn.

John White (Bedford Modern School) provided his insight about teaching design and technology from many years as an experienced examiner, moderator, and teacher. He’s passionate about the subject and offered lots of reasons as to why we must pull together as a community of teachers, professionals and higher educationalists to protect and develop the subject for future generations.

Our final speaker, John Wankowski, (Senior Civil Engineer) shared his working experience as a professional engineer. He is passionate about inspiring young people to pursue a career in engineering and explored the different routes into the subject, including apprenticeships. He treated us to his  dry humour about the public perception of what an engineer actually does.

We wrapped up the event with a lively discussion – “What’s in the name: Design and Technology versus Engineering”. As you would expect, there were mixed views about combining the names and about rebranding. Conversations were still buzzing at the end of the forum, leading us to the biggest question of the day...

‘what next’?

We’d love you to join our conversation. Contact us at d&t@ocr.org.uk or @OCR_DesignTech.