Welcome to the Autumn 2022 edition of Futureminds.

It’s been a busy few months at CLEAPSS. We have been organising our new premises, restarting face to face training, undertaken some safety audits, and visited a few interesting sites.

We are very excited to announce that Trudi Barrow is now working with us. Trudi presently teaches part-time in Hertfordshire, and is able to combine this with working with CLEAPSS, to support Dave on the various projects we undertake each year including this edition of Futureminds. We are all looking forward to the increased capacity, as well as new ideas and energy that she will bring to the team.

Trudi is already testing out of different formats for this online magazine. The PDF has always been well received, but we have also been looking at how to bring more interactivity into the resource. Over the coming year we will be trying out different online presentation packages, alongside the PDF. If you have any comments that you think would help us to develop a more engaging format, please get in touch:

When we have some ideas to test, we will tweet the link and email it to our 1000+ members on the ‘Mailing List’. If you have not signed up for our weekly email, please visit the website and sign up for our email alert: 

Our online courses have received very positive responses from users. We presently offer two online, programmes:

Or contact  

We are currently working on a range of short guidance videos on individual pieces of equipment and their safe use. These will enhance the MRATs by providing explanations and details about the equipment, illustrating the control measures needed to work safely, as well as offering guidance on use. Each video will be around 5 minutes long, so could be accessed by staff as required or used as part of an in-house training session. Links to these videos wi feature in the next edition of Futureminds.

In the last edition of Futurminds we ran an article from PrintCity, an additive manufacturing base in Manchester. In July we visited their (very impressive) facilities. We accompanied the Health and Safety Executive researcher who led on the HSE 3D printing project, and who is starting to plan further research on real world data on fumes and emissions from 3D printers. If you would like to find out more about PrintCity, take a look at the summer 22 edition of Futureminds.

The results from this new round of HSE research will inform an update of our guidance on the use of 3D printers in schools, which was originally written in conjunction with HSE: 

We have also worked with a number of schools and the awarding bodies to investigate new approaches to the subject of D&T. GCSE entries for D&T fell again this summer. Entry numbers increased slightly in food and nutrition, and art, and it was pleasing to see an increase in A Level numbers for D&T. We congratulate all the teachers, technicians, parents and, of course, pupils for their hard work to not only cope with the pressures and difficulties that all schools have faced, but to achieve such good results in the summer.

Scroll through the charts for food and nutrition and art & design numbers

In the Spring edition, we will be reporting back on our developments with different formats for Futureminds, if you want to join the conversation about this, sign up to our mailing list:

We will also have articles from teachers and technicians about their work in D&T, food and Art, as well as content provided by suppliers and those working to support these subjects across the UK and overseas.

If you are interested in contributing to Futureminds, please get in touch: