Phi Theta Kappa

Beta Nu Eta Chapter

Phi Theta Kappa Beta Nu Eta Chapter


At Phi Theta Kappa Beta Nu Eta Chapter, you can expect a community of positive, supportive, and motivated individuals on a path to success. Participation in our chapter can help advance your networking, research, and team-building skills for your academic or career journeys. PTK provides many scholarship opportunities that can aid your lifetime educational journey.


Our 4 Hallmarks


PTK provides resources for you to grow your academic and career leadership skills. You will receive recognition for your academic achievements. The strengths you gain will help you stand out on applications, transcripts, and resumes. Enhance your experience by becoming an officer!


PTK has over $37 million in scholarships available. On average, members earn a transfer scholarship of $2,500. You can apply twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. These scholarships are not limited to transfer scholarships and can be used for your entire academic journey, including higher education.


Join a community of ambitious, smart, and motivated individuals. You can participate in events and activities that promote team-building and friendships. Our positive atmosphere will definitely help you meet individuals that may create lifetime supportive relationships.


PTK strives to serve communities on and off campus. We provide many community service opportunities. It will help you fulfill any community service hours that you may need. We also work on a College Project, where we work with administration to help our college.

Why Join?

By joining our chapter, we can promise that you will create lifetime memories. You can expand your knowledge through our research projects. You can make close friendships with like-minded individuals. You can gain scholarships opportunities and community service hours that will help fulfill your academic journey. Your accomplishments will be recognized and help you stand out. Joining our chapter is a decision you will never regret.

An inspiration from PTK TV that describes how #IAMPTK can change your life!