Habitat/Green Space Protection

Since its inception in 1985, the CEA has challenged governments and private land owners to maintain the few green spaces left in our region. Our mandate to restore, maintain and enhance our local environment is a never-ending struggle to balance the needs of our local environment with the needs of the citizenry. Our success stories include Humbug Marsh, Spring Garden Complex, Marshfield Woods and the Ojibway Shoreline, the last remaining natural shoreline in the City of Windsor. The CEA is steadfast in its determination to conserve what few natural areas we have left and enhance existing natural areas.

Community Garden

The CEA garden plot was first created about 10 years ago by the Fed UP gardening collective. Those early efforts continue to bear fruit and the CEA believes it is important to show citizens how easy gardening can show positive results on so many levels without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. One visible sign of not using chemicals is the level of bees and other pollinators found in the plot. Continue reading...

Rich, well-drained soil is the foundation or "bones" for any productive garden. The garden depends largely of the use of good compost, primarily from mushroom compost waste which makes the soil nutrient rich, well drained, yet able to hold moisture and create an environment where plants grow well. Where possible, seeds from previous years are used such as with the sunflowers, kale, tomatillos, borage, and other herbs. Seed saving is the best way to encourage seed diversity and keep seed security in public hands given concerns over GMOs and monoculture. The garden also uses strategies of companion planting and rotation to hinder pests. Herbs and hot peppers make excellent border plants to protect more vulnerable plants.

The CEA garden, though small in size, produces a significant harvest over the growing season. Plans for expanding the growing season and to also propagate native species are in the works. We hope our efforts and positive results will help encourage your own gardening.

Conservation Authorities

Ontario Government Attempting to Undermine Mandate of Conservation Authorities

April 2020

The CEA and over 100 other organizations wrote to the Premier to emphasize the importance of the current mandate and roles and responsibilities of Ontario's conservation authorities. Ontario has already reduced funding for flood programs and ordered the winding down of other programs while authorizing limited consultations on changes to the Conservation Authorities Act. Read the letter.

Options for Improving Conservation Authorities in Ontario

September 2016

The CEA, in collaboration with several organizations that support integrated watershed management in Ontario, has submitted the following comments. The submission is in response to Ontario's proposal for renewal of the Conservation Authorities Act.

Among the proposals, we recommend there be a legislated set of principles used in fulfilling the purpose of the Act and that diverse representation on the governing boards of conservation authorities be ensured.

Habitat Protection

CEA Responds to Provincial Policy Statement Review

October 2019

Proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) by the provincial government will diminish protections to the natural environment and farmland across Ontario. The review unduly favours development over other provincial interests, particularly environmental protection. Environmental groups from across Ontario, including the CEA, have submitted comments to the government regarding the PPS review, read submission

Ontario Bill 108 Set to Undermine Environmental Protections

May 2019

The CEA recently participated in two submissions through Ontario's Environmental Registry. Bill 108 is another legislative weakening of protections for the province's endangered species, watershed sustainability and the environmental rights of citizens. Read the submissions, Re: ERO #013-5033 Review of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 and Re: Conservation Authorities Modernization (Operations and Permitting), Bill 108.

Ontario Weakening Endangered Species Protection, Again

March 2019

The Ontario government is attempting to weaken endangered species legislation. A discussion paper reviewing the Endangered Species Act was released for public comment and it was replete with code words intended to deregulate and make it easier for industry and developers to harm species at risk and their habitats. The CEA responded to the discussion paper with a submission, ESA review comments.pdf.

Ontario Needs Environmental Bill of Rights Reform

November 2017

Ontario's ongoing inaction on Environmental Bill of Rights Reform has prompted 48 environmental groups to send a joint letter to Premier Wynne and opposition leaders. A summary of recommendations for reform was included in the letter.

View Summary of Recommendations for Reform.

View joint letter.

Humbug Marsh

Threatened with development in 1999, the CEA along with many other concerned groups rallied to maintain the marsh as a wetland. Humbug Marsh was the last remaining wetland along the U.S. side of the Detroit River. Not only was the marsh eventually saved from development, but it became a U.S. government protected wildlife refuge in 2004.

image: Humbug Marsh on the lower Detroit River. (Photo courtesy of Mary Bohling, Michigan Sea Grant)

Marshfield Woods

Being 300 acres in size, Marshfield Woods is one of the few remaining places that offer interior forest habitat. This unique habitat creates conditions suitable for wildflowers and songbirds; some of which are endangered. Marshfield Woods contains 41 different species of trees and shrubs. It is home to many animals, and has 14 different species of plants classified as provincially rare. It has also been threatened by commercial development.

The biggest threat to Marshfield Woods was a planned golf course development proposed by the Hearn Group starting in 1998. The CEA formed a coalition with other groups such as The Friends of Marshfield Woods, Little River Enhancement Group and the Essex County Field Naturalists' Club to fight to maintain Marshfield Woods as an Environmentally Significant Area and Provincially Significant Wetland.

The CEA Requests Marshfield File from ERCA

Environmental Groups unite to save Marshfield Woods

image courtesy of On Nature Magazine Winter 2000

Ojibway Shores

Ojibway Shores an Ecological Superstar

September 2017

A recent, comprehensive analysis of Ojibway Shores has revealed the site to be a natural heritage gem.  Of the 10 criteria used in the analysis, achieving 1 of 10 criteria indicates important natural heritage significance, Ojibway Shores met 9 of 10 criteria!  There is no doubt that preserving Ojibway Shores as a natural heritage site would have important environmental benefits for the Detroit River watershed. Thanks to the Essex County Field Naturalists for supervising this research project and providing the data, along with partners, for publication and public review.

Review the report and maps: Ojibway Shores Natural Heritage Inventory/Evaluation

Ojibway Shores Provincially Significant Wetland Map

2016 Ojibway Shores ELC Map

Citizens Show Overwhelming Support for Ojibway Shores

July 2013

With over 13.5 hectares of woodlot, a marshy pond and 500 metres of natural Detroit River shoreline, Ojibway Shores is a ecological gem in an otherwise heavily developed Detroit River watershed. In its current state, Ojibway Shores acts as a wildlife linkage or corridor between the Detroit River and the interior significant sites of the Ojibway complex including Black Oak Woods, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Prairie, and Spring Garden ANSI.

Ojibway Shores is owned by the Federal Government of Canada and is administered by the Windsor Port Authority. On July 3rd, 2012 at Mackenzie Hall in Windsor, the Windsor Port Authority held a public meeting to reveal its plan to destroy the property known as Ojibway Shores.

An overflowing capacity audience showed up to show their support for this very important ecological link. Congratulations to everyone who attended in support of Ojibway Shores! Let's hope this support does not go unheeded by the Port Authority.

Protecting Essex County

Registry of Lands

Federal and Provincial Governments Should Create a Registry of Canadian Lands for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge

December 2011

December 21, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge. North America’s only international wildlife refuge provides a unique opportunity for the region of southwestern Ontario and southeast Michigan to help protect our natural capital and environment, sustain our economy, sustain our quality of life, and enhance community pride. In order to be consistent with the Conservation Vision endorsed by Canada in 2001, Canada needs to establish a registry of lands. Read the full press release

Spring Garden Complex

The area of discussion is a mixture of residences, commercial, institutional sites, and utilities. This sizeable, varied area is south of E.C.'Row Expressway, east of Malden Road, and west of Huron Church Road. The site borders the town of LaSalle, and the Grand Marais Drain flows through a significant portion of this area. Somewhat surprisingly, within the centre of this varied, growing 700 acre area, lies a natural area of approximately 300 acres. This area is a mix of wetlands, woodlands, and prairie habitat. Despite the intense development that has occurred around it in he past 20 years, this natural gem has retained its biodiversity and functions as a relatively vibrant natural community. This has come to be known as the Spring Garden Complex.