[News] 2/24/13

Post date: Feb 18, 2013 6:17:44 PM

Psychopathic rampage leads Police on Manhunt:

Police are on the hunt for a man accused of savagely torturing and murdering 10 men who were connected to a local gang. They were able to obtain video evidence from the scene which shows the man cutting off the hands of bound and gagged men, before using the blood to write on the walls of the warehouse. Later that evening, after Police had concluded their investigation, the building erupted into flames due to an unrelated incident.

Flames Shoot from South Columbus Industrial building:


ParanormiCon Rousing Success:

Paranormicon 2013 was a rousing success with just over 9000 attendants across the 3 days, an interest in what goes bump in the night is clearly at an all time high and rising! It is now slated as one of the most popular Paranormal conventions in the Midwest! Of particular note was the Standing room only seminar by one Cleetus Bushwary, a Columbus native, entitled, "How Twilight got it WRONG!:The Shadow behind the Sparkle!" See you all for Paranormicon 2014: THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!

West Columbus Neighborhood On Edge After Bullets Hit Homes, Cars:


Police Suspect 3 Shootings In Marion To Be Connected:


Some say Internet Cafes hurting Ohio casinos:
