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American Ci Bei Temple


美國慈悲寺是2024年在美國紐約市成立,是世界禪藝術研究院(World Zen Art Center)的下屬非營利佛教寺院。首任住持由釋一雲法師率四眾弟子護持弘法。本寺宗旨是,遠離無明,住持正法,警世導俗,倒駕慈航。為紐約社區信眾提供了一個修行的道場和精神家園。




American Ci Bei Temple

In 2024, the American Ci Bei Temple was established in New York City as a non-profit Buddhist organization affiliated with the World Zen Art Center. Led by Venerable Master Yi-Yun (known in secular life as Yi-Xiong Gu), and with the support of the four-fold assembly of disciples, the temple is dedicated to upholding and propagating the Dharma, transcending ignorance, guiding society, and saving all living beings—a manifestation of the path of great compassion. It serves as a spiritual sanctuary and a place for the local community to engage in the practice of Buddhism. Venerable Master Yi-Yun’s teachings and life philosophy profoundly benefit disciples in their Zen Buddhist practice and personal growth. Revered and supported by devout Buddhists, he fosters harmony within the community, creating a better life for all. 

The temple enshrines the Three Holy Beings of the Saha World and the Three Holy Beings of the Western Pure Land. The Three Holy Beings of the Saha World include Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism and the embodiment of a mortal attaining Buddhahood. On the left side, there is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the compassionate embodiment that responds to suffering and provides assistance. On the right side, there is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the ruler of the underworld and the embodiment of filial piety.

The Three Holy Beings of the Western Pure Land refer to Amitabha Buddha, the lord of the Western Pure Land. On the left side, there is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who has the power to subdue external obstacles and demons. On the right side, there is Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, the initial ancestor of the Pure Land, who achieved enlightenment through the practice of mindfulness of Buddha. With the illuminating light of wisdom, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva empowers beings, granting them supreme strength and freedom, guiding sentient beings to rebirth in the Pure Land.

The temple offers various services to believers, including Spirit tablets, Prayer tablets, Guanyin amulets, perpetual light offerings, wishing pool, Merit Book recording, and Guanyin divination sticks. Guanyin divination sticks, also known as “The Oracle of Kuan Yin” in Buddhist traditions, can be used by believers to seek signs and resolve doubts. These practices can help increase good fortune, expand positive karma, alleviate suffering, and and provide guidance. Worshippers are welcomed to come and make offerings, pay respects to the Buddha, pray for blessings, and seek solace from afflictions.

Together, we cultivate the Dharma and strive for early achieve enlightenment at an early stage!


World Zen Art Center (WZAC-NY) is a renowned institution incorporated in the State of New York, United States, on December 15, 2012. The American Ci Bei Temple and the New York Qimen Fengshui Academy are affiliated with the World Zen Art Center. Established under the guidance of Master Yixiong Gu, a respected figure in the field, our mission is to delve into the depths of Zen Tao and Art, promoting international initiatives to ensure the lasting prosperity and appreciation of this rich heritage for generations to come. As a non-profit Zen research center, we are dedicated to the exploration and preservation of the mystical Chinese culture of Zen Tao and Art.

At WZAC-NY, we place great emphasis on the profound study of the occult Chinese culture of Zen Tao and Art. Tai Chi and Bagua hold paramount significance within the theoretical framework of Chinese philosophy. The ultimate unity of yin and yang represents the eternal law of the universe, as exemplified in the profound wisdom of the Zhou Yi, also known as the I Ching or Classic of Changes. Flourishing during the Song Dynasty, this philosophy found its most distinguished proponent in the renowned scholar Zhu Xi. With Zen playing a vital role in Chinese philosophy and religious culture, masters throughout Chinese history have attained remarkable achievements in the practices of divination and Zen.

By embracing the wisdom of Zen Tao, individuals can transcend their troubles and gain insights into the reasonably foreseeable future. The conscious mind traverses boundaries, exploring the vastness of the universe and realms beyond human comprehension. Through the practice of Chinese Zen calligraphy and ink painting, artists enter a Zen state through meditation, creating artwork that serves as a profound expression of Zen itself. This art resonates with viewers, bringing clarity, tranquility, and a return to one’s true self. It inspires introspection and prompts individuals to reevaluate their approach to life and their perception of the world.

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Abbot’s Introduction

Venerable Master Yi-Yun, also known in secular life as Yi-Xiong Gu, is an esteemed international master in Zen calligraphy and painting. Currently, he serves as the president of the World Zen Art Center, as well as the abbot of American Ci Bei Temple and the American Tianfo Temple. Born in1971 in Binzhou City, Shaanxi Province, China, Yi-Yun graduated with a degree in calligraphy and painting from the Art Department of Xi’an United University. Fueled by a deep interest in Zen and Daoist philosophy from a young age, Yi-Yun excelled in Zen Divination, as well as the arts of calligraphy, painting, and ink. Over several decades, he has meticulously cultivated both his spiritual practice and artistic style, crafting a unique and harmonious blend.

At the age of 27, Yi-Yun formally took refuge in the Great Ci’en Temple in Xi’an, China, becoming an official Buddhist. Relocating to Shenzhen at 29, he founded the Peng-Gu Art Studio. By 35, he had moved to Hong Kong, where he served as the Executive Vice President of the China Zen Art Academy. At 39, he held a painting exhibition in New York. Establishing the World Zen Art Center in New York at the age of 42, Yi-Yun focused on the study of Zen ink painting. At 43, he took refuge in Cihang Jingshe in New York. Under the guidance of Elder Miao-Feng, his refuge teacher, Yi-Yun delved into the study of Buddhism. In 2013, at the age of 42, Yi-Yun accompanied Elder Miaofeng as part of a Buddhist delegation, visiting sacred Buddhist sites in China, including Lingyin Temple and Mount Putuo. At 47, he traveled through fifteen states in the United States and Canada. Assuming the position of Zen Hall Supervisor at the American Tianfo Temple at 51, Yi-Yun continued his spiritual journey. At 52, he experienced a profound awakening and formally entered monastic life at the American Tianfo Temple, receiving the novice name Yi-Yun. At 53, Yi-Yun followed Master Tian-Pei in New York, studying the Pure Land Dharma. At 54, he assumed the position of abbot at the American Ci Bei Temple. Venerable Master Yi-Yun, following the Chan tradition, engages in both Chan meditation and Pure Land chanting. Through sudden realization, he comprehended the inherent emptiness and the natural path of the Dharma, maintaining constant mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha and attaining liberation through the wisdom of Prajna.

With unwavering commitment, Venerable Master Yi-Yun upholds compassionate teachings, disseminates the Dharma, and brings benefits to all sentient beings. He adheres to guiding principles of transcending ignorance, upholding the correct teachings, inspiring and guiding society, and liberating sentient beings. Here is a verse composed by Venerable Master Yi-Yun: “In the ever-changing realm of existence, humans ride the waves of joy and sorrow. Yet, only when the Buddha’s essence remains forever within, can one attain serenity, radiance, and true liberation. Through the path of Zen and Tao, profound insights unfold, revealing the universal order and the boundless emptiness within. With the wisdom of Prajna, one transcends, achieving Buddhahood and ultimate release."

Destined people voluntarily make offerings to the monk online: paypal.me/guyixiong

恆念彌陀  -  般若解脫


























