一 雲 法 師 在線解 憂

釋一雲,法號慈古。俗名古一雄。國際禪畫師,奇門預測導師。現任美國慈悲寺住持,世界禪藝術研究院院長。Venerable Master Yi-Yun, also known in secular life as Yi-Xiong Gu, is an internationally renowned Zen artist and an instructor in Qimen Dunjia Divination. Currently, he serves as the abbot of the American Ci Bei Temple and the World Zen Art Center.





還有一個常識大家要知道,明確了用正時排盤,還是用活時排盤之後,還要知道具體奇門排盤的方法有幾十種之多,常用的有置閏盤,拆補 盤,茅山盤,陰盤等,如果排出來的盤不一樣,那預測的結果也會不一樣。 所以,如果是在網上預測,假如求測人了解奇門常識不多的話,最好用置閏法和用當地的真太陽時來排盤,其準確度會更高一些。 或是依照要求,提供資料給占卜師,由占卜師來排盤更為專業。 總之,求占卜時不能兒戲。




一、本帖主要以置閏法起盤為準。求測人在哪個城鎮地點起的奇門盤? (比如是在台北,或是紐約市等)


三、求測人性別?求測人和求測事相關人的出生年和月,和出生地? (註明是公曆還是農曆。如果求測人和相關人是公曆2月5日左右出生,即立春當日出生時,則要提供出生年月日時。這種情況比較少)



本師是隨緣預測,隨意打賞原則,來廣結善緣,為大眾排憂。如有幫到有緣人,也可隨喜打賞至 https://buy.stripe.com/8wMcMM023gs86UE288, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/guyixiong. 

一雲 感恩 合十。




Master Yi-Yun’s Qimen Dunjia Divination – Real-World Divination: Answers to All Questions – Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune – Preparatory Notes for Consultation

There are two methods for determining the time and arrangement of a Qimen divination chart: The first method is "Local Real Time," which refers to using true solar time to arrange the chart. I've noticed on online Qimen forums that some people create a Qimen chart and post seeking divination. Many of them do not provide information about the city or the time used to create the Qimen chart. Because a "Local Real Time" chart requires the latitude and longitude of the seeker's location to be cross-checked. For example, if two people in China both make Qimen charts using Beijing time at noon, but one person is in Urumqi, Xinjiang Province, and the other is in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, there's nearly a three-hour difference between their local times. Ancient QMDJ diviners used local time for divination. Therefore, the person in Urumqi should cast the chart at 8:48 a.m. local time, while the person in Harbin should cast it at 12:24 p.m. local time, rather than both using Beijing time at noon. Thus, when making a Qimen chart according to "Local Real Time," it's crucial to inform the QMDJ diviner of the querent's location, as this directly affects the accuracy of the diviner's predictions. If the divination is cast using "Casually Time," it's essential to specify this to the QMDJ diviner. Without this information, the accuracy of the predictions may decrease.

The second method is "Casually Time," where the QMDJ diviner creates a Qimen chart based on the querent's arbitrary selection of a number, writing a few words, or saying a word, sentence, etc., or based on the requester's orientation, voice, color, etc.

"Casually Time" charts allow for a lot of flexibility and are mainly used for in-person divination appointments. When divining online, besides scheduling a video consultation, most people make Qimen charts based on the local time at that moment. Making a Qimen chart using "Casually Time" primarily relies on the QMDJ diviner's use of "external correspondences." Also included is using the wrong chart to determine the correct outcome. Making a Qimen chart using "Casually Time" allows for resolving situations where multiple people want divinations at the same time or when there are more people requesting divinations simultaneously. In such cases, it's necessary to make the chart using "Casually Time" for higher accuracy.

Another common knowledge that everyone should be aware of is that once it's clarified whether to arrange the chart using "Local Real Time" or "Casually Time," one must also understand that there are dozens of specific methods for arranging a Qimen chart. Common methods include the "Zhi-Run" chart, the "Chai-Bu" chart, the "Mao-Shan" chart, the "Yin" chart, etc. If different charts are cast, the resulting predictions will differ as well. Therefore, when seeking divinations online, if the querent understands these common practices of Qimen, it's best to use the "Zhi-Run" method and arrange the chart using the local true solar time. This approach can enhance the accuracy of divination predictions. Alternatively, providing information to the diviner for chart arrangement by the diviner is more professional. In summary, seeking divination should not be taken lightly.

Qimen Dunjia simulates the influence of the energies of time and space on individuals. Just as the laws of the universe rotate between day and night, in specific environments, people can divine the future trends of certain matters and achieve good fortune and avoid misfortune. Especially in online divinations, where the QMDJ diviner doesn't know the querent's information and "external correspondences," only if the "Local Real Time" chart is accurately determined can there be a chance to increase the accuracy of divination predictions. In this way, online divination will be meaningful. Otherwise, many online Qimen divinations are merely chitchat and entertainment. Some querents are not sincere in providing feedback on the factual results of their situations and don't even realize when the divination is incorrect. Therefore, they merely echo the opinions of others. Studying Qimen Dunjia requires personal insight. I'm here to share my practical experience with those who are destined to encounter it.

I've observed that many individuals on online Qimen forums often cast a Qimen chart without providing essential details such as the querent's gender, birth year, and location. This lack of information makes it challenging for QMDJ diviners to make accurate judgments. Even if a final judgment is accurate by 50%, the remaining 50% of predictions may be incorrect. This hinders the goal of anticipating and resolving worries and achieving good fortune. Hence, I've initiated practical divination predictions on online forums to share this unique knowledge and assist those destined to overcome their troubles and cultivate positive karma. The art of divination itself does not deceive; it is only the querent who deceives themselves. Genuine mentors can only be encountered with sincerity, and those lacking sincerity should refrain.

For individuals seeking divination online, please provide the following information:

1. The primary method used in this thread is to create the chart using the "Zhi-Run method." Where was the Qimen chart created? (For example, Taipei or New York City)

2. What time zone is observed at the location? What is the specific local time when the querent seeks divination? Or did the querent create the Qimen chart themselves? (Please specify if daylight saving time is in effect. For instance, New York uses Eastern Time Zone GMT-4 with daylight saving time)

3. The gender of the querent? The birth year and month of the querent and related individuals, along with their birthplace? (Please indicate whether the time is AD or based on the Chinese lunar calendar. If the querent and related individuals were born around February 5 of the Gregorian calendar, known as the beginning of spring, accurate date and time of birth are required. This scenario is relatively rare)

4. Please specify clearly what you want to consult about? (For example, finding a job, whether you have already interviewed and want to know the outcome, or if you are currently unemployed and want to know when you will find a job?) If the inquiry goes beyond social norms and common sense, then I may not be able to provide a divination.

5. Once the divination is complete and factual results are available, the querent should return to provide feedback on the outcome. Similar to a follow-up visit to the doctor, this ensures mutual benefit. At pivotal junctures in life, it's crucial to anticipate and seek good fortune while avoiding misfortune. Therefore, I aspire to be a supportive mentor and friend to those destined to cross paths with me. Without the necessary information for divination, I may not be able to provide an answer.

(Ancient texts record that the earliest method used by ancient people to create Qimen Dunjia divination was called the “Zhi-Run” method. Over time, many other methods evolved. Through my years of practice, I have found that the “Zhi-Run” method has a higher accuracy rate in divination predictions compared to other methods. To put it in perspective, if the accuracy of divination using the “Zhi-Run” method can reach ninety percent, the “Chai-Bu” method and other methods may only achieve eighty percent accuracy. Without extensive practice, one may hardly notice this difference. Therefore, I emphasize the use of the “Zhi-Run” method.

Furthermore, in online forum discussions, I’ve found that when the Qimen chart is created using the querent’s “Local True Solar Time,” the accuracy of divination predictions tends to be slightly higher. Therefore, I emphasize the use of “Local True Solar Time” to create the Qimen chart. Seeking divination through in-person appointments with diviners involves a different method of making charts. )

I adhere to the principle of providing divination first and then accepting voluntary donations. This is to cultivate good karma and alleviate worries for the public. If my guidance has helped those in need, they are welcome to offer voluntary donations at https://buy.stripe.com/8wMcMM023gs86UE288,or https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/guyixiong. Grateful regards, Yi-Yun. Namaste.

Feel free to leave comments and requests for divination, and I will do my best to provide answers, demonstrating the greatness and wonders of Qimen Dunjia and Zen Tao wisdom through practical applications! Wishing you all the best and may everything proceed smoothly!

Master Yi-Yun's Qimen Divination Forum: 

