Panel Data Econometrics

School of Economics and Management

University of Geneva (2010, 2018)

Notes: these teaching resources correspond to the course "Advanced Econometrics II", that I taught in 2018 in the master program of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva. This lecture is exclusively devoted to panel data econometrics.

For more resources (in French) about panel data econometrics, see also the webpage devoted to the course "Économétrie des Donnés de Panel" (University Paris Dauphine).

Panel data econometrics


General introduction on panel data econometrics

  • Baseline definitions (micro and macro panels, balanced panel, etc.)

  • Advantages of Panel Data Sets and Panel Data Models

  • Issues Involved in using Panel Data

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Chapter 1: Linear panel data models

  • Section 1: Specification tests and analysis of covariance

  • Section 2: Linear unobserved effects panel data models

  • Section 3: Fixed effects estimation methods

  • Section 4: Random effects estimation methods

  • Section 5: Specification tests: random or fixed effects?

    • The Mundlak's specification and Hausman's test

  • Section 6: Heterogeneous panel data models

    • Random Coefficient Models

    • Mean group estimation

    • Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity (Bonhomme and Manresa, 2015)

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Chapter 2: Dynamic panel data models

  • Section 1: The dynamic panel bias

  • Section 2: The Instrumental Variable (IV) approach

    • Anderson and Hsiao (1982) IV approach

  • Section 3: The Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) approach

    • GMM estimators for dynamic panel data models: Arellano and Bond (1991), Arellano and Bover (1995), Ahn and Schmidt (1995)

    • System GMM (Blundell and Bond, 2000)

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Chapter 3: Panel Threshold Regression Models

  • Section 1: Introduction

  • Section 2: The Panel Threshold Regression (PTR) Model

  • Section 3: The Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) Model

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Additional resources

Panel unit root tests

Here are some links to download Matlab code for first and second generation panel root tests.

Panel Granger Non-Causality test