1 Rectory Restoration
1 Rectory Restoration
Inside the Rectory many walls, ceilings and some floors need refurbishing.
Inside the Rectory many walls, ceilings and some floors need refurbishing.
We need someone to take charge and determine what is needed, the possible costs and to establish a timetable for the next three years.
We need someone to take charge and determine what is needed, the possible costs and to establish a timetable for the next three years.
Again we need someone to take charge of this work. This work needs to be completed before the end of May.
Again we need someone to take charge of this work. This work needs to be completed before the end of May.
2 Rectory Grounds
2 Rectory Grounds
On a Saturday in late April or early May we need to do a general clean up around the rectory including pruning bushes and trees. We need about six to eight volunteers and someone to organize & supervise this work.
On a Saturday in late April or early May we need to do a general clean up around the rectory including pruning bushes and trees. We need about six to eight volunteers and someone to organize & supervise this work.
Many Hands Make Light Work
Many Hands Make Light Work
To volunteer, please sign up on the chart at the front of the Church or contact your the church office.
To volunteer, please sign up on the chart at the front of the Church or contact your the church office.
We are in need of outgoing persons to act as greeters and sides persons. If you can assist in this ministry, please speak to Horace Williams.
We are in need of outgoing persons to act as greeters and sides persons. If you can assist in this ministry, please speak to Horace Williams.
Crucifers for Liturgy
Crucifers for Liturgy
If you are interested, the Ministry volunteer job description is available in the Narthex.
If you are interested, the Ministry volunteer job description is available in the Narthex.
The choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. All enthusiastic singers are welcome.
The choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. All enthusiastic singers are welcome.