Parish News

Humber River Festival 

Humber River Festival will take place on  Sunday, September 1 from 10 am to 6 pm at Nort Johnson Park & the Riverwalk Trail in

support of Waves of Change for Autism. Annual Frog Race takes place at 3 pm – tickets available from Jamie


Door Open Vaughan

On Saturday, September 28 our church will be one of the sites open for Door Open Vaughan, The church will be open from 10 am to 4 pm, and

we need volunteers to be on hand to greet visitors and tell them about the history of our church. If you are

interested, please speak to Jennipher – don’t worry if you don’t think you know enough about our history we will

teach you!

Clothes Collection

Please continue to spring clean your closets and cupboards and bring in gently used spring and summer

clothing for men, women and children. They are also in need of new socks and underwear as well as toiletry items;

toothbrushes & toothpaste, body soap and shampoo. We will arrange another drop off when the rack and bins are full.

Thank you for your ongoing support of this outreach project.

Woodbridge Village Farmers Market

 The market begins a new season on Saturday, June 15 from 9 am to 1 pm at a NEW

LOCATION - come shopping this year in the parking lot of the Al Palladini Community Centre located at 9201 Islington

Avenue (the corner of Islington Ave. and Rutherford Rd.)

Summer Schedule

On June 16 we will move to our summer hours, which means one service on Sunday starting at 9:00 am.

Personal Bible Study

 Don’t forget that we have an account with Right Now Media that gives you access to thousand of

bible study resources. Access our account using this link, and create your

personal account – there is no charge to you.


The sign-up sheet to host fellowship is on the bulletin board outside the church office. As with all

volunteer positions in the churches of the Diocese of Toronto, all people who host fellowship must be fully vaccinated.

Readers Needed

We are looking at returning to having readers in the liturgy at our in-person services. If you are

interested on being included in the schedule, please email the church office.


If you would like to have flowers placed on the altar in thanksgiving or in memory of someone,

please contact Vanessa Grafi by emailing the church, Please

include the date you would like them placed on the altar, the colours you want, the amount

you would like to spend and if you want a specific dedication include the wording. The email

will be passed on to her.

Food Bank Donations

September is canned vegetable (especially peas).

October is Canned Fruit.

The Food Bank bin are in the church beside the stone font, if you

wish to drop off donations off during the week the office open on most Tuesdays from 

9 to noon and all day on Thursday. Call ahead to make sure.

Gift Card Sale

It was decided that the gift cards will continue once a month. Jackie Lue will take the

orders to the 3rd Sunday of every month. This fundraiser is to continue the work of

the Lighthouse Project. Please note: all the orders and cheques

should be given directly to Jackie or left in her mailbox in the office.

The Church Needs Many Hands

The Warden's have a list of fun and exciting projects needing done around the church

and rectory. Please check the list located in the church and if you see a ministry

that fits your time, energy and skill level, please add your name.

Would you like to be more involved with the Sunday Service?

Father Mark and the Worship Team are looking for Servers and Crucifers to help with

the 10:00 am service. Job descriptions for these ministries can be found in the Narthex.

Please talk to Fr. Mark if you would like to be a part of the team.