Family Matters

Seminars and Discussions about Family and Parenting  |  Mondays, 7:30pm

Family Matters is a new initiative to deal with family and marriage issues in a live discussion forum. Robert and Sharon host the series and bring in experienced couples to give valuable insight and tips into different areas of married and family life.

Family Matters is here to encourage God centered marriages and families. To help relationships grow and thrive by:

The Next Family Matters will be Monday November 6th 2023 at 7:30pm NZ time God willing.
The Gift of Intimacy

God willing, these are the dates for Family Matters we have planned for 2023. They are all Mondays and 4 weeks apart. Add them to your diary so you don't miss any!

November 6 - The Gift of Intimacy
December 4
*Topics and people are subject to change due to circumstances.

Family Matters - The Gift Of Intimacy

11th September 2023

Next time on Family Matters: 

The Gift of Intimacy

On Monday 6th November, God willing, we will be discussing The Gift of Intimacy in marriage. Intimacy is essential to a happy and fulfilled godly marriage, yet so many couples struggle in this area. In this session we will be talking about the challenges that can derail intimacy in marriage, and factors that can increase the love and joy a couple can experience within the marriage bond.

Join us on Monday 6th November at 7:30pm  NZ time at 

Family Matters - Depression and Spirituality, with Cathy Strachan

11th September 2023

Depression and Spirituality
We spoke to Cathy Strachan about Depression and Spirituality. Cathy has had a wealth of experience in nursing, palliative care and pastoral care, so brings a professional aspect to this topic of depression. As a Bible student, Cathy is also able to help us understand the links between depression and spirituality. In this session she helps us understand how to recognise depression in ourselves or in someone else, how it affects our spiritual lives, and she gives us tools on how to deal with depression and keep our spirituality safe through the dark times. 

Family Matters - Modern Challenges Facing Today's Teens, with Gary Steel

11th September 2023

Modern Challenges Facing Today’s Teens. We will be talked to Gary Steel about the unique challenges that teenagers today are facing. We are living in a time unlike any other in the history of mankind. Our children and teens are absorbing the worst of it. Gary has an information packed session that will help us understand some of those challenges and the impact they can have in the lives of our teens. He encourages us to open up conversations with our teens and with each other as we navigate these testing years, and the world we live in.

This episode is password protected. Please contact the organisers for access.

Family Matters - Mental Health and Faith in God, with Will and Renee Patino

14 August 2023

Mental Health and Faith in God. Robert and Sharon talked to Will and Rene Patino about the way God has led them through periods of depression and the way it has affected their marriage and their family. Their journey has taken them on a path of prayer and complete trust in God. We talked about their trials and the steps they have taken to trust in God’s leading through them. This is an epic story. Make sure you hear it! 

Family Matters - Healthy Family Eating, with James and Jeanette Stephenson

10th October 2022

Healthy Family Eating

We are talking to James and Jeanette Stephenson about Healthy Family Eating. Jeanette is a qualified dietitian, and while James' qualifications revolve around soil, they have both been involved in the planning and creating of healthy meals for their family. In this session we will be talking about what makes a healthy meal, what it takes to eat well, preparing food on a budget, portion sizes, fussy eaters, the spiritual side of family meals, and there might even be the odd recipe thrown in. 

Family Matters - Refugees, with Garry and Helen Hindmarsh

10th October 2022


Garry and Helen have been involved with a project helping to facilitate pathways for Christadelphian refugees to find a safe home in Australia. Working with an organisation that combines the need for skilled migrant workers and refugees seeking asylum the CRAC (Christadelphian refugee assistance council) have been able to help match Christadelphian Employers with skilled Christadelphian refugees.

Whilst a NZ program of this nature does not exist, the success of the program in Australia may pave the way for the NZ Govt to consider something similar here. As the world changes there are more and more Christadelphians being displaced through war and persecution, and Our Loving Father has been opening doors in the UK and now Australia to show the true spirit of Christ's love in helping provide sanctuary to the oppressed.

Garry and Helen shared real stories of real people and provided guidance on how we in NZ (or anyone around the world) may help practically and financially.

Note: Due to the sensitivity and security of our Christadelphian refugees, there were no recordings of this event.

A Matter of the Heart, with John Marsich and David and Jenny Luxmoore

10th October 2022

We talk to John Marsich along with David and Jenny Luxmoore about A Matter of the Heart. John and David have both had heart surgeries. With heart disease a major player in our society as a whole, many families suddenly find themselves thrust into chaos when a family member (often a husband or father) is racing to the hospital in an ambulance. And often we never see it coming! John, David and Jenny are going to share their experiences of what they went through, the symptoms, treatments and post operation procedures. They might even tell us what they wish that had done if they knew then what they know now. As as we discuss the physical heart, we will also come away with a greater appreciation about looking after our spiritual hearts in the sight of God. 

Second Time Marriage - with Arthur and Denise Pankhurst

12th September 2022

In this episode Robert and Sharon talk to Arthur and Denise Pankhurst about Second Time Marriage. After the tragedies of being widowed by their first spouses, Arthur and Denise have taken the brave step of getting married again to begin a new life together. Their experience of love, loss and grief, combined with starting again as an older couple complete with their own families, has some powerful life lessons for all of us. Join us as we hear their story along with the difficulties, blessings and wisdom that come from their experiences.

Singleness with Kim Shead

15th August 2022

In this episode we talk to Kim Shead about Singleness. As one of the most eligible bachelors we know, Kim knows what it is to be single - the benefits and the drawbacks. We talk about the positives and negatives of being single, about building relationships, doing the work of God while we wait, and what the rest of us can do to help and support the singles around us. While the topic is singleness, it is beneficial to all of us, married or not.

Heartache and Hope in the Loss of a Child

18th July 2022

On Monday, July 18, we talked to Luke and Vickie Smith. Luke and Vickie experienced the heartbreaking loss of one of their children some years ago. Their journey through heartache, but comforted by hope, is inspiring. We learnt how to sit alongside those who have experienced such losses, and join them in their tears. Luke and Vickie's implicit faith in God's hand in their lives gives us great encouragement. And we heard how hope in resurrection has been foundational in helping them cope with the pain of loss.

Note: Joining the live sessions of Family Matters also means you are able to participate in the group discussion that follows the interview - and often that can be just as good as the interview itself! Do join us.

Bible Study with Kids

20th June 2022

We talk to the Knox Family, Andrew and  Naomi, and their children, Josiah and Juliette about Bible study with kids. We hear what the parents have got to say, but also we will also get to hear the perspective of their children!  Forget the boring and drab, Bible study with your family can be a highlight of your week. If sharing the word of God with your family is something you would like to do better, then listen and be encouraged and inspired to dig into the Bible at a deeper level with your family.

Pornography Updated

23rd May 2022

NOTE: This may not be suitable for pre-teen listeners. Parental discretion is advised.

We talk to Gary Steel with some important updates on the topic of Pornography. It's not something we want to talk about, but because so many people and families are affected by it, it needs to be addressed. This is particularly so considering the promotion of "ethical porn" and the mind blowing numbers of people using pornography. In this session we discuss the Biblical perspective on pornography and Gary will share with us some practical ways to deal with it if we or other family members have fallen into its trap.

Social Media with Ben Pitcher

25th April 2022

We talk to Ben Pitcher about Social Media. Social media has grown up all around us at an incredible speed since it first arrived in 1997. Today it seems there are hundreds of social media platforms all demanding our participation and emojis. The question is, what is actually happening when we use social media? What are its benefits and dangers? And where do our kids stand with it? Ben shares with us some insights about this beast that invaded our lives, what the Bible says about it, and how we as families should react to it.

Gaming with Jonathan Bowen

28th March 2022

We talk to Jonathan Bowen about gaming. Times have moved on since the Space Invaders and Pacman arcade games of the 1980’s. Now, instead of spending all that time in 20 cent games in the local fish and chip shop, it takes place in the privacy of our own personal device whenever and wherever we want. Games in the 2020’s are much more graphic, realistic, violent and addictive. Today’s gaming is not restricted to teenage boys with nothing else to do, instead it affects males and females of all ages. Jonathan shares some gaming statistics with us, as well as some principles to help us and our loved ones get our priorities right.

Resentment with Ben and Elisa 

28th February 2022

We hear some great examples from their lives and marriage where resentment started to take over, and at the same time, they share with us how they have overcome and how love has been able to shine through the darkness that resentment brings. For some really relatable examples and practical pointers toward overcoming, please watch!

In-Laws and Out-Laws with John and Lesley Quill

31st January 2022

John and Lesley have been married 55 years and have a wealth of experience in marriage and relationships. Married into families with vastly different world views, they have worked hard to maintain relationships with their extended families while living out their faith in very practical ways. As a marriage celebrant, John, with his wife Lesley, have mentored numerous young people and couples in the areas of marriage and relationships. For a wealth of great advice and experience about getting on with your in-laws and extended family, have a listen!

Mindfulness & Meditation with John and Rachel Launchbury

22nd November 2021

We talk to John and Rachel Launchbury about Mindfulness and Meditation. John is the author of Change Us Not God, and Rachel is the editor of the newly established Press On Journal. Both of them are busy and driven people. Meditation and mindfulness have proven to keep them grounded and sane in the busy life they lead. We will talk to them about mindfulness and meditation, about slowing down in a fast paced world and about taking time to be with God. John and Rachel even have some practical exercises to share with us.

Wanting more past episodes of Family Matters? 

Please visit our Youtube playlist to access all episodes since 2020!